2.10 It is done

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Lucille smile as she watched the brunette boy Miya had just been talking to dance with another in the crowd. "What are you doing here Lucille?"

"Honestly... Eliza believes I am the only person apart from Chloe who could bring you back without starting a blood bath." Lucille sighed leaning back against the bar.

"I'm not leaving yet."

"I didn't expect you too."

"Then why did you bother coming?"

"Because I know what it feels like to have your memories wiped," She whispered back to the brunette finally looking over at her. Miya turned to the blonde in shock at the sudden confession. "Don't ask me any questions; you know I won't be able to answer any of them. But, if you want more time... make a deal." Miya shook her head in astonishment.


"It will get you more time... more time to say goodbye." She whispered when she saw the familiar boys arrive at the bar. "You should know though if you make it too unreasonable they will destroy it." Lucille commented looking over at the two boys; or more in particular Stiles.

Miya knew what she meant by destroying the bond; there was a powerful spell that they could perform to take away the bond but the agent had to be in consent to it, and Eliza would go to desperate measures; even if it meant threatening Stiles' life.

Miya gave a brief nod before walking over to stand right behind the two with Lucille right behind her.

"You two should leave." Miya called out, startling them as they snapped to look at the blonde and brunette assassins that stared at them emotionless.

"It's Jackson..." Scott rushed out looking between them. Miya shrugged her shoulders, her mouth pulling together. Stiles looked between the blonde and Miya as she seemed unfazed by the news.

"You knew?" She gave him a nod as Lucille turned around catching the familiar scent of Kanima blood.

"What is it?"

"Lizard blood." Lucille called out to the brunette assassin before she nodded her head to Jackson who was now crawling across the roof to stand right above Danny. Scott noticed that they both had found Jackson on the ceiling above Danny. As they both turned to go after him, Scott gripped onto Miya's shoulder holding her back.

"You can't kill him."

"I'm not going too... I promise." She smiled back at Lucille before both began to blend in with the crowded dance floor.

"Do you trust them?" Scott asked Stiles; keeping his eyes fixated on Danny who seemed to situate himself in the middle of the club.

"I trust Miya." He stated simply.

Miya and Lucille stood close together in the crowd as the smoke began to overflow upon the dance floor covering a majority of the people that surrounded them. "Can you see him?" Lucille asked as Miya's eyes flickered into wolf mode, peering through the smoke. Amongst the mass of people Miya's eyes latched onto scales that seemed to dash past her. She flickered around trying to follow him when she felt something cut the back of her neck.

The paralytic venom sunk deep into her skin, beginning its numbing process. Miya could feel her legs turning to jelly when she hit the cold floor with a loud thump; Lucille not far behind. Miya groaned; everything was numb even her lips. Around her various thumps erupted from the bodies of dancers hitting the floor around her.

The only thing Miya saw was Stiles standing above her, holding her shoulders gently as he examined her. Worry was etched into his face and movement as he seemed to be rigid flustered.

Normality :: Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now