2.9 They're here

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Miya's feet crunched through the leaves as she and Lucille trudged their way through the Beacon Hills Reserve. Miya knew they were watching her at this moment, observing whether her guard was down or if she was weaker than she was when she left for Beacon Hill's but if they did try to take her Miya was ready for whatever they threw her way.

"We're only here to talk Miya, there's no need to be so on guard." Jeremy's mocking voice pierced through the silence of the reserve as numerous bodies collided with the ground.

"Wow Jeremy, you can actually detect emotions now." Miya replied sarcastically her own smirk presenting itself on her face. A light huff left Lucille's lips, Miya always had a way with words. She was known as the best and in the agency they were trained to show it and develop a level of confidence that would appear as over confident. It was what Lucille admired about her; from a young age Miya acted as if she was the best in the business and slowly she did become the best.

"Enough Jeremy!" Jeremy's growl died off as the stern voice of the head of the agency entered the clearing behind Miya. Miya's head turned, the smirk having fallen once the voice passed through her ears. Taking a deep breath Miya turned so that she was facing her boss and mentor.

"Eliza," she greeted, her voice remaining calm as the older woman watched her every move. Eliza stood before her with a sense of authority and confidence radiating off her.

Eliza had known Miya since she was practically a baby, she raised the girl like she had done every other agent, except Miya never seemed to be one that could make a bond. She was solitary, independent and introverted from a young age, showing no sign of actuak emotion in her. Yet here she was today, having created a bond with a mere human in the eyes of the agency and dripping with emotions that she had never shown any interest in.

"I see you've brought the cavalry." This brought a chuckle form Eliza's lips as Miya looked around at the group that surrounded her.

Miya had trained with several of the agents that now stood around her with threatening looks plastered across their faces. She knew she could take each one of them, but that wasn't the message that Eliza was trying to get across. Because there weren't there to threaten her life, they were there to threaten the lives of her friends.

"It's good to see you Miya." Her voice was patronizing as she stepped closer to Miya; her gaze remaining on Miya. She stopped nothing more than a meter in front of her before she slowly began to circle the brunette prodigy. "We were worried; you had lost your way."

"Quite the opposite actually Eliza... I found it." Eliza halted mid stride as she took in what the assassin had actually just said to her. Miya remained in her position refusing to look round at the older woman. As the silence seemed to deafen, Miya continued to explain. "I found a reason to actually live; not just survive but actually live."

"Miya you do-"

"Yes, I know what you will do to me, please stop telling me what will happen when I come back!" Miya exclaimed, finally turning to face the brunette with her hands thrown into the air. The sudden vibrations through her pocket alerted Miya to the tension that erupted from every agent that surrounded her.

Allison's id lit up upon the screen; looking around at the agents surrounding her, Miya took a deep breath pulling the phone to her ear.

"What's up?"

"They're here; Derek, Isaac, Erica and Boyd; they're all here." She stumbled out in panic.

"This isn't the best time," Miya replied keeping an eye on each agent in case any of them attempted to move an inch in the direction of Scott's house.

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