2.13 Claws and Bookshelves

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"Erica? Erica! Erica are you kidding me?!" Miya snapped storming through the hallways behind the blonde werewolf. For the past several minutes she had been following the blonde, attempting to get her to speak about Jackson's parents.

"Erica smirked stopping a top the stairs, staring at the brunette. "Why do you want to know?"

"Erica, stop playing games," Miya demanded. Smirking Erica watched the buzz cut boy that Miya now called her boyfriend walk through the hall following Lydia. Shoving Miya back via her chest Erica gripped onto Stiles' arm shoving him into the wall beside Miya.

Miya hissed in pain as her head rebounded off the wall. Her hands instinctively gripped onto the back of her head, staring at the blonde with bright blue eyes. "Why are you both asking about Jackson's real parents?" She demanded throwing Miya Back into the wall with one hand. In her attempt to break free Miya noticed Erica's claws pointed straight at Stiles' chest in warning. Allowing her eyes to slowly fade into their normal brown, Miya gave into the blonde.

"Why you bringing out the claws on camera?" Stiles sassed glancing up at the camera attached to the opposite wall. Stiles knew why she had brought out the claws, but he wanted to drive the werewolf into a corner like she was with Miya; he wasn't going to let anyone threaten her.

Letting out an aggravated sigh, Erica pulled her hand away from Stiles' chest. "That's right. There's only one Cat Woman in Beacon Hills," Stiles said, making Miya laugh as she watched the interaction. Stiles nodded briefly at the blonde taking Miya by the wrist and dragging her away from the werewolf.

He went to open his mouth about the certain friends she kept around when Erica's voice called out to them once again. "If you were wondering about Jackson's real parents, their about half a mile from here." The two heads shot up as they turned around to hear more of the information Erica was supplying. "In Beacon Hills Cemetery."

With those four simple words, Erica walked away. Glancing back Miya, Stiles' mouth hung open for several second before he took off through the hallways; "Okay. Wait." Taking a deep breath Miya was about to run after them when an erratic heartbeat entered her ears. It was coming from not too far away and the scent of fear and discomfort over took her senses; it was Allison.


"I just hope your dad's been teaching you moves to protect yourself." Jackson whispered trailing his claws along her throat. As his claws inched lower and lower down her throat, Allison could see the hint of brown hair flutter through the locker room, waiting for some sort of signal.

"Actually, he has... but I don't think I'll need them," she breathed as Miya tugged on Jackson's shoulders flinging him away from the fair skinned girl and kicking him in the stomach, for a quick knock out blow.

Jackson huffed looking up at the two brunette's breathless, his eyes now wide in confusion. "Allison? Miya?" He breathed, hurrying to stand up and pull his boxers on. Allison pushed herself up against the wall as Miya stood, in a defensive stance in case he attacked again.

The door to the change rooms opened revealing Scott as Miya and Allison watched Jackson pull on his shorts; the scene in front of him, something that only fueled the fire that had been bubbling up over the course of the day.

"Scott," Miya warned as the intense smell of hatred and rage came to a peak. Allison attempted to stop the two before Scott threw himself at the boy shoving him against the lockers. The pure animal rage had filled the room with a disgusting smell; causing Miya to huff and pull Allison up and into coaches office.

"You have to stop them!" Allison yelled watching through the small window to the change rooms. Miya shook her head in annoyance, this was pure rage and that meant Scott's wolf was in charge.

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