1.21 It is Done

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Parking the Jeep gently in one of the empty spaces Stiles immediately jumped out of the Jeep attempting to check on Miya, who still groaned in pain. Before he even made it to the door, however Peter grabbed the back of his shirt hauling him away to the back of the black car beside them. Stumbling over his feet Stiles regained his composure before standing beside the lunatic wolf.

"Whose car is this?"

"It belonged to my nurse Peter replied, unlocking the trunk.

"What happened to you n- Oh my god!" Stiles gasped as he jumped away from the sight of Peter's nurse lying dead in the back of the car.

"I got better..." Peter shrugged shutting the trunk. Placing it on the car Peter ripped open the bag pulling out a laptop.

"Good luck getting signal down here." Stiles mumbled. The alpha than handed a black device to him, to which Stiles rolled his eyes speaking up with one of his sarcastic remarks. "Oh, Mifi; and you're a Mac guy. Does that go for all werewolves or just a personal preference?" Peter turned to look at him a clear sign for him to shut up.

"Turn it on. Get connected." Peter was fed up with all the comments and just wanted to finish what he had started only a few month before. If that meant he had to threaten either Stiles or Miya's lives he would sure as hell do it.

"You know, you're really killing the whole werewolf mystique thing here. Look, you still need Scott's username and password, and I'm sorry, but I don't know them." Stiles sighed as he began connecting to the Mifi.

"You know both of them." Peter stated.

"No, I don't." Stiles insisted. Glancing back at the Jeep Stiles couldn't see any sign of Miya and it was worrying him. He just wanted to get this whole Alpha business over with so she could finally do whatever she wanted.

"Even if I couldn't hear your heartbeat, I would still be able to tell you're lying." Peter insisted smirking at the boy

"I swear to god-" Peter than slammed Stiles' head into the trunk of the car. Beginning his speech was harder than peter thought though as someone gripped his wrist tugging it off Stiles' neck and throwing him across the car park.

"Don't you ever touch him!" She seethed her frame standing tall as her eyes glowed a bright blue. Her eyes never leaving Peter's Miya spoke again. "Stiles, just do it." Taking his lip between his teeth, Stiles shook his head focusing back on the laptop.


"What happens after you find Derek?" Stiles asked Peter stood beside him; Miya not letting him get any closer than he already was.

"Don't think Stiles, type." Peter urged.

"You're gonna kill people aren't you?"

"Only the responsible ones." Peter mumbled with a small smirk upon his face. Stiles stopped typing to look back at the two, as each stared down the other with the intense rage they held when Miya threw Peter across the car park.

"Look, if I do this, you have to promise to leave both Scott and Miya out of it." Stiles compromised as he looked over at Miya. Hearing her name being mentioned Miya looked over at Stiles in confusion. Peter closed his eyes letting out a deep breathe before turning back to him.

"do you know why wolves hunt in packs?"

"Their favored prey is too large to be brought down by one wolf alone." Miya explained flicking her curls back behind her shoulder. The braid on the side of her head had fallen out, now sitting in a mess on the side of her head.

"That's why I need Derek, Scott and Miya. I need all of them." Stiles stared over at Miya as she stared blankly at the computer.

"They're not going to help you," Stiles insisted glancing back at Peter as Miya gazed hesitantly at him.

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