1.8 Yes For Werewolf or No For Werewolf?

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On the ride over Miya was forced to swerve her bike off the road as she launched herself over, gripping her stomach in pain. The signature was throbbing against her stomach and she felt as if she was being electrocuted. Trying to regain control of her breathing was becoming harder and harder and this usually only meant one thing; something was wrong with Derek. So regaining her position on the bike she pulled the back onto the road speeding down the road towards the Hale house.

Arriving at the Hale house Miya stumbled off her bike limping slightly as small amounts of electricity still pulsed through her body. Making her way towards the house Miya immediately heard the beat if not one but three heartbeats in the house. Getting closer to the house she quickly climbed up onto the roof and made her way into the room she was staying in. Stepping through the window Miya shrugged off the jacket she had on to switch with a hooded jacket. She made her way out she peered over the balcony to find no one. So instead she began to listen in on the conversation happening downstairs, trying to tell whether they were masculine or feminine.

"When I get my hands on that wolf, he is toast." Masculine.

"Please, like you'd even be able to touch him before he ripped your throat out." Feminine. But this voice sounded sounded different; it sounded slightly familiar. The conversation continued as now a second masculine voice entered - both were just threatening Derek's life. The smell of anger diluted the air choking Miya, but there was another scent that confused her a lot more; amusement.

"You know, there's one thing that you boys are missing," The woman began as her foot steps began pacing around the room. "Derek wasn't alone the last time I met him, there was someone with him." She laughed slightly through the last part.

"Yeah, so?" One of the men piped up gruffly.

"Well, more than likely Derek's ordered someone from the Agency."

"What has this got to do with anything!?" The other man began to shout.

"Well, what that means is -" She said beginning to raise her voice, "She has to protect him until the assignment is complete; and considering the assignment isn't complete one must ask the question; where is she?" The cock of the gun pressing a bullet into place alerted Miya to the firearm, before all hell broke loose. Jumping up from her spot numerous bullets began flying through the boarders. running down the hallway dodging numerous bullets she made her way towards the door, ending up in front of the main entrance; face to face with the woman.

"There you are." She sang mockingly. Looking at her now she was able to put the voice to a face; Kate Argent. Miya remembered Kate from one of her previous assignments. Kate was attempting to hunt down one of her clients; Miya was only just able to get the client out of there, but was landed with a bullet through her leg. Cocking the gun again Kate began shooting numerous shots, missing every time as Miya jumped off the stairs, landing behind Kate.

Wrapping an arm around Kate's neck Miya heaved her back towards her leaning in close to her ear; "Nice to see you again Kate." Pushing Kate forward she kicked her in the lower back. Turning around to leave a loud gunshot echoed through the house. Pain bounced through her body originating from her shoulder. Looking over at the two men that had shot her she made a quick decision; she ran out the door. Ignoring her bike she began sprinting down the hill towards the road.

Blood spilling from the wound Miya was becoming increasingly dizzy as the blood began spilling out dangerously fast. Her vision becoming blurry she finally reached the road. Stumbling across she made it about halfway when black spots took over her vision and her legs collapsed. The sound of a car horn was the last thing she heard before she lost total consciousness.


Springing up from her position Miya's head began attempting double takes of the room in which she sat.  Only the light blinded her and the sudden movement earned a violent hiss from between her lips. Looking at her shoulder, it was now covered in a white bandage stained red from her blood. 

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