1.7 Silent Annoyance

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"Ok, so Lydia's not coming, Jackson's either coming late or not turning up at all and Allison and Scott have gone M.I.A?" Miya asked walking into Chemistry with Danny right beside her. Lydia hadn't turned up in homeroom so both Danny and Miya had guessed it was due to trauma; along with Jackson's explanation of probably turning up late. However they were both confused as to where Scott and Allison were. Apparently both had been seen by Allison's locker together but they had both disappeared without telling anyone before homeroom.

"Exactly; so it's just you and me for most of the day," Danny replied sitting down in his seat for Chemistry. "They didn't mention anything to you, did they?" He asked as she set her books down next to him. Setting herself down in the seat next to him, she shook her head.

"Please, I am that far out of the loop, I literally didn't know anything happened until this morning when everyone was gossiping about it." Miya threw her hands up to prove her point, causing Danny to chuckle.

"Just wait a couple more weeks - maybe days - and believe me you'll know everything about everyone." He laughed nudging MIya in the side. A smile lit up her face and Stiles - who just so happened to be sitting right behind her - noticed how this looked to be one of the biggest smiles she had ever produced; and it didn't even seem fake.

Their conversation though was soon cut off as Harris walked into the room. "Just a friendly reminder that Parent Teacher Conferences are tonight. Students below a C average are required to attend. I won't name you because the shame and self-disgust should be enough." Harris stopped speaking as he now stood in front of Stiles desk. "Has anyone seen Scott McCall?"

Stiles looked up briefly as Harris continued walking down towards the front of the class. From the look on Stiles face Miya knew he - along with many others - had no idea where Scott was and if he didn't know, then something definitely wasn't right.

The sudden squeak of the door alerted the class to the sudden appearance of Jackson. Closing the door behind him all MIya could think to describe him as was terrible; Jackson had bags under his eyes, his skin was paler then usual, his eyes were extremely red and to Miya's keen senses Jackson smelt worse then someone who was dying. Obviously he was still distraught from the attack on the video store Jackson was obviously quite sleep deprived not being able to get the images or the fear out of his mind.

Mr Harris walked over to Jackson placing a hand gently on his shoulder; "Jackson, if you need to leave early for any reason let me know." Miya's eyes slowly drifted over to be glancing at Jackson every few minutes; just to make sure he didn't attempt to do anything out of the ordinary. For an extra precaution she analyzed the aroma that now filled the room to make sure he wasn't a werewolf.

"Everyone start reading chapter 9; and Mister Stilinski,"Stiles head popped up from his book with a yellow highlighter lid between his lips. Miya bobbed her head up also from her text book wondering as well why Mr Harris had called his name. "Try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs; it's Chemistry, not a colouring book." Harris added before walking between tables towards the back. Stiles dramatically spat out the lid before catching it with his left hand and a sneer on his face.

Looking over at Miya and Danny who were now both reading their textbooks with highlighters in hand. Stiles glanced at Mr Harris before he leaned forward towards Danny. "Danny, can I ask you a question?"


He sighed but persisted; "Well I'm going to anyway. Did Lydia show up in your homeroom today?"

"No." Miya replied so he might get off Danny's case.

"Can I ask you another question?" Stiles persisted ignoring Miya's sudden interruption.

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