2.6 Bad Timing

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Miya stood in the middle of the room; Isaac in front of her prepping himself for the oncoming training, Erica had run off somewhere in the train station, and Derek and Boyd stood on the side away from the three, watching the training session.

Cracking his neck to the side Isaac ran forward jumping over and off objects that stood in his way until he reached his target; when Miya gripped onto his arm throwing him to the side. Standing up again Isaac went back to his position and continued the same pattern over and off certain things and then being grabbed by the arm and thrown to the ground once more.

As Isaac was heading back to his position for the third time, Miya glanced over at Derek who seemed to be watching their every move. She could already hear Isaac had begun his descent towards her and when Derek glanced at her he gave her a nod to continue; to which without looking she grabbed his shirt and threw him to the ground near Derek.

From behind her the squeal of metal and the sense of another person behind her Miya span, her leg raised as she hit a large figure, kicking them to the ground before sliding them back towards where Isaac laid cradling his arm. Rolling her eyes at the two beta's Miya shrugged her jacket over her shoulder while she waited.

"Does anyone want to try not being so predictable?" Derek asked stepping over the Beta's before he stood by the brunette. Once the words left Derek's  mouth Erica latched onto him forcing her lips upon his in a sloppy kiss. Playing along for a few seconds Derek pushed her off him shoving her back onto the ground beside Isaac who was still cradling his arm as it healed.

"That's the last time you do that."

"Why? Because I'm a Beta?"

"Because I have someone else in mind for you." Derek stated looking towards Miya who now seemed disinterested and instead of focusing on training was gathering her bag and heading towards the stairs.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"School." She stated blatantly as she headed out of the building.


"Still can't believe you're training with them." Allison exhaled looking over at the girl who sat with her economics textbook laid out in front of her and several pages of notes next to it.

"Well since training with them keeps my wolf from hurting my friends I think there is quite a valuable reason to train with them." Miya stated raising an eyebrow at the girl next to her. Allison had immediately seen Miya as she entered the school grounds and had taken the spot next to her as she attempted to go over some of the notes Stiles had made for her.

"Believe me they're not that great anyway. I had Isaac gasping for air with a pretty mediocre shoulder swing." Both girls were laughing at the comment when Stiles appeared in front of them. He stood shocked for several minutes until he smiled pulling her forward so that their lips connected in one long kiss between them. Pulling away Miya smiled placing her lips against his in a quick peck; "I missed you too."

"Now, we think you're father has something like a bestiary?"

"I think you mean-"

"No, I mean bestiary." Stiles exasperated throwing his arms around as he stood up from the table. "And the two of you, I don't want to know what goes on in your heads."

"Can you describe it?" Allison asked staring oddly at the girl beside her who shrugged.

"It's probably like a book. Old, worn-"

"Like, bound in leather?"

Stiles took off running after their discussion on the bestiary which made Miya laugh as she pulled out her phone, he should have tried the easier option. Dialing Scott's number MIya put the phone on speaker and placed it in the middle of the table.

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