chapter 21

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Piccolo's POV.

i watched as the gaping hole in Buu's stomach regenerated. this fight wouldnt be won easily. Buu seemed perfectly fine and was even dancing on the spot. how ludicrous...

i felt Kira shift uncomfortably beside me. she obviously didnt like the way this fight was going either. i wonder why she seemed mad at me before? not that i care but...well, okay maybe i did care a bit but still. iv done nothing wrong that i can think of. or maybe its not that shes mad at me at all. maybe shes just being defensive because shes trying to hide something from us and i keep prying into her mind. that would explain her bizarre train of thought about colours earlier. although it still didnt explain why she was trying to avoid thinking of green... hmmm... maybe i should just stick to focusing on the battle for now.

Kira's POV.

Vegeta seemed to be losing his temper at majin Buu so it didnt surprise me when he started yelling.

"listen here Buu, i didnt come here to play games. hurry up and fight me! or are you too scared?" he taunted stopping Buu's dance.

yeah, figures that would get his attention. Buu certainly didnt have the pride of the saiyans but somehow i knew the thought of being considered cowardice would not sit well, even for him.

Buu suddenly did something very odd and created a massive explosion, bathing everything in pink light.

"Vegeta get out of there!" i yelled to him as the explosion hit.

we all dived for cover but that still wasnt enough. we ended up being buried under rubble and large rocks. i curled up in a ball and wrapped my tail around me expecting a boulder that was falling to land on top of me, but it didnt. well, something did land on top of me but it wasnt a boulder. instead whatever was above me was warm and soft at the same time as being firm and solid. i opened my eyes. only about 6 inches from my own face was Piccolo's and it appeared he was attempting to sheild me from a large rock that had landed on top of him instead. i felt the blush creep into my cheeks as i realised we were so close that i could actually feel his breath on my cheek.

"are...are you okay?" i asked trying to keep my voice normal in such an awkward situation.

he actually made eye contact with me and i felt even more awkward if that were possible.

"yeah. im" he asked back, breaking eye contact.

"perfectly safe. thanks for sheilding me" i said.

"you should learn to do this yourself" he said back as he lifted the rock off us with ease before standing up.

he was right of course but i couldnt help but feel that he was treating me like a child again. i stood up and looked around just as Krillen uncovered himself followed by Trunks. both seemed fine considering the blast.

Piccolo's POV.

why did i just use myself as a sheild? she would have been fine by herself, if not a little banged up, but still reasonably fine. its like i wasnt thinking for a moment...

i thought i saw a blush on her face when we were face to face under the rock, although i think that was just because she realised how inappropriate our positioning was. especially considering im an older guy. well i guess i myself arent that old, but since i fused with Kami i feel much older, plus add his years to mine and i guess we've been around for quite a while. still, even without Kami's years im still a lot older than Kira. wait! why am i even thinking of this?

Kira's POV.

"is everyone alright?" i asked.

"yeah i guess so" answered Krillen.

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