chapter 4

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Piccolo's POV.

i walked into Bulma's house early the morning after i had arranged training with Kira. hopefully she would be awake already, and in a better mood than last night when she stuck the finger up at me. what a child. as i stepped into the kitchen i saw Vegeta carving something into a dogbowl with a huge smirk on his face.

"should i even ask what your doing?" i asked him as he looked up at me with an evil grin plastered across his features.

"what do you think? im getting a bowl ready for Bulma's new pet" he chuckled and revealed Kira's name carved into the outside of the bowl and a paw print after it.

i shook my head and sighed "she's not going to like that".

"i know" he answered.

Bulma walked in and Vegeta hid the bowl from view. i could have laughed at the sight. a saiyan prince afraid of being caught doing something wrong by his human wife. priceless.

"Bulma where is Kira?" i asked her ripping my attention away from Vegeta and his bowl.

"she's asleep still i think. you could go wake her up if you want, she's in the spare room on the top floor. well i got to go. bye Piccolo, see you later sweetie!" she yelled to Vegeta who grunted in disapproval at his pet name.

i walked up the stairs towards the room Kira would be in. her door was slightly open so i pushed it fully and walked in expecting her to at least be stirring by now. she wasnt. if anything it looked like she was in a deep and comfortable sleep. her face was smiling and her ears were drooped down while her tail was visible hanging off the side of the bed and twitching. i growled in frustration as i prepared to wake her. why wasnt she already up and getting ready? i took a deep breath and yelled in her ear "WAKE UP!"

for a moment it looked as if it had worked but then she just rolled over to get more comfortable and dragged the covers off her by accident as she laid onto her stomach. i sighed and face palmed. i noticed that Bulma haad cut her a hole at the back of the pajamas for her tail and suddenly found a perfect way to wake her up. althoughh this would hurt a little at least she would learn not to sleep in when i was going out of my way to train her. i reached down and grabbed a hold of her tail, feeling slightly embarrassed, and pulled hard causing her to wake with a scream of panic and alaarm.

she caught sight of me and glared while massaging her tail.

"what did you go and do that for?" she asked angrily.

"you wouldnt wake up. it was my last resort" i replied calmly.

"so you yank at my tail? what sort of freaking idiot are you? you may have ripped it off!" she yelled.

"get ready and go down stairs for breakfast. after that we start training" i said ignoring her question.

as i walked out i heard her mutter "bloody pervert".

Kira's POV.

i got dressed quickly into the clothes i had worn yesterday, only now they were fresh and clean. i couldnt beleive he had really done that to my tail! grabbing someones tail was about as bad as grabbing someones ass, though i didnt think he knew that at the time. i walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where some lovely smells were coming from.

as i entered i saw Piccolo sitting at the table and Vegeta standing behind the counter piling up food for himself. i lifted my nose to the air and felt my mouth water as i recognised the scent.

"bacon" i muttered getting the attention of both men.

"i see the kitty has finally awoken from her nap" said Vegeta while smirking.

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