chapter 19

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Trunks' POV.

"hey Goten! check this out!" i called getting a closer look at the stone figures.

they seemed so real. and they were a perfect replica of Piccolo and Krillen, not a detail out of place. it was spooky.

"wow! how kool!" exclaimed Goten.

"i wonder who made them? and why would they just be left out here?" i asked tapping the statue of Piccolo.

"be careful Trunks. they look expensive" he warned soundingg just like his mother.

"whatever" i said but just as i did i accidently knocked Piccolo's statue too hard. it toppled down and smashed loudly into hundreds of small pieces.

"oops" i muttered ass i took in the damage.

"you've done it now Trunks" said Goten.

"shut up" i said back.

we rushed lower down the mountain just in caase the owners of the statues were around and angry at us. as we moved something, or rather someone, caught my eye. could it be...?

"hey is that Kira?" asked Goten pointing at the same unconcious figure i had been looking at.

"yep, thats her" i confirmed. well who else could have a tail and cat ears? seriously...

we went to her side and i was relieved to find that she still had a pulse. what had happened? did the Buu monster get her? i slapped her face lightly and watchd as she bagan to wake up.

"Trunks? Goten? what are you two doing here?" she asked.

"never mind that! what happened?" i asked curious to know what was going on.

it was like my question snapped her back into it. she gasped and looked over to where the figures were. it seemed the red guy just skewered the Buu monster with a spear. when Kira saw the purple dude her eyes went wide.

"can you explain?" i asked feeling like the mature one here.

"yeah" was all she said for a moment.

Kira's POV.

it looked like Dabura had survived Buu's earlier attack and was back with a vengence. Shin on the other hand looked like he had been through a meat grinder and Gohan was nowhere to be seen. thats when i realised it...i couldnt even sense Gohan at all! not only that but one of the energies had disappeared from where Vegeta and Goku were fighting. i wondered who was the victorious one.i also hoped that the missing energies were just from unconciousness and not from... well, i didnt even want to think of the alternative.

"so are you going to tell us whats going on" asked Trunks impatiently.

"all right! well the pink blob is the majin Buu creature we were meant to prevent from being released, obviously we failed. the little greenish guy is the wizard Baubidi who also has control over Buu now. the red guy fighting Buu is the King of Demons, he was working for Baubidi but it looks like he's switched sides. and the guy currently eating dirt is the supreme kai" i explained quickly pointing each out in turn and hoping the boys were keeping up.

"so wheres our dads and my brother?" asked Goten and i felt a knot in my stomach.

"umm...your dads are fighting another battle away from here, and Goten... your brother should be fine. dont worry just yet" i semi-lied.

"oh okay" was all Goten said back. i drroped my ears feeling bad for not telling them the truth...but i couldnt. i wasnt even sure what the truth was yet.

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