chapter 8

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Kira's POV.

as we made our way to the try outs, a compulsory test to see whether you would be qualified to enter the real competition, a group of reporters stopped us with a nosy and annoying red head at the lead.

"hello would you mind telling us a bit about yourselves?" the lady asked shoving a microphone and camera into our faces.

Vegeta and Piccolo ignored her and kept walking so i followed suit. unfortunately they managed to corner Goku and a few of the others. they asked about his halo and he was about to explain that he is dead and back for the day when the camera exploded! Piccolo turned with a satisfied look on his face and i immediately knew he was responsible for this.

we waited in line for our turn to punch this weird machine thingy after a weird dude called "mr Satan" had a go and scored 170 something. apparently he was Vedel's dad and a big phony. he looked like one. unfortunately Vedel was still under the impression her dad was the greatest fighter around and so we had to keep our mouths shut on Gohans request. bummer...

"yes its our turn soon" i said enthusiastically.

"yeah try to keep your strength down enough not to raise suspicion okay?" said Piccolo to my right.

"yeah normal earthlings arent used to our sort of power yet" said Goku scratching his head.

"okay il keep it down" i reassured them.

i ended up going after Piccolo who scored over 200 but not too high. i figured a couple of points more than him wouldnt hurt and punched it with enough force to just surpass him. i did by at least 20 points and waltzed over to him smugly as he watched me in annoyance.

"was that really neccessary?" he asked.

"perhaps"was my only reply as i tried to wipe the smile off my face.

he grunted and turned to watch the others. when it was Vegetas turn i watched with interest as i knew he would be less likely to restrict himself and would most likely show off. also apparently he and Goku had a deep rivalry and so i knew he would definately go past whatever Goku scored. it turned out that he actually destroyed the thing! was that really needed? no. was that in any way smart? no. but did it look awesome? definately.

he smirked as he made his way back to the group. unfortunately Gohan and Vedel were stuck in line still to wait for the replacement machine.

"hey i think the junior divisioon is starting soon" said Krillen.

"koolies. lets go watch!" i shouted.

i knew Goten and Trunks would reach the final and i definately wouldnt miss that fight.

"yeah il catch up later guys" said Gohan waving.

"lets go then" said Goku and so we made our way to the back of the stands to watch.

Trunks first match was against a cocky blonde kid who seemed way to confident for his own good. he was beat with a kick. then it was Gotens first match and he happened to be up against blondies brother. he too was taken out but this time with a light punch, Goten barely had to move.

"wow they sure are strong for their age" said Goku watching his son bow in victory.

i silently agreed and watched them both fly through the other rounds until the finals.

the announcer, who i gathered knew Krillen, Goku and Piccolo from previous tournaments, then brought out Mr Satan to watch the final fight. he was so pathetic, though id never say that near Vedel or else Gohan would kill me. i watched as he sponged up the attention.

"it seems Mr Satan is looking forward to the fight. but first we have a little something for you. you all remember the cell games right? well now we have a re-enactment of cell's defeat so everyone can see what really happened" the announcer said.

i saw that Mr Satan was looking nervous now. i wondered what they were talking about...cell games? so i asked Piccolo.

"hey what is he talking about?" i asked.

Krillen answered instead and said "well a few years back now there was this really tough android called cell and he was trying to destroy earth. well anyway he's the one who Goku died trying to defeat, and it almost worked too. so then we all fought him and...well... he kind of beat most of us. Mr Satan was there but he spent most of the time hiding away and watching, like usual. Gohan faced him then and man did he kick ass! he beat cell with a single blast, a kamahamaha i might add, and saved earth. but being an egoimaniac and compulsive liar Mr Satan took credit for the whole thing seeing as nobody ever saw how it all ended they believed him".

i just gaped. everyone thought THAT guy was powerful? man what a bunch of gulliable fools! and to think that Gohan had that much power, well i guessed he must have slacked off over the years as i could definitely tell now that Goku and Vegeta were way stronger.

a blimp entered the stadium and landed within view of the crowd. i waited in anticiption to see if they were really going to show the truth about cell's downfall. i doubted it though. i was right too.

when the movie started it showed a bunch of guys wearing giant fake heads that were meant to resemble the guys i knew and they failed epically! they looked like bobble heads. i laughed when it showed Piccolo and made out that he was weak. he didnt think it was too funny though. actually most of them were watching with a mixture of anger and disbelief on their faces. once it looked like evryone was down the 'mighty champ' appeared to save the day. i laughed even harder when i saw the horrible fake explosions and i almost actually wet myself with laughter when Vegeta's character referred to Mr Satan and said "i want to be just like him". it seemed i was the only one enjoying myself. when it ended most were dazed by the crappy film, Piccolo and Vegeta seemed almost furious and Goku was laughing nervously and said "well it was kind of entertaining". i couldnt agree more. i was still holding my sides by the time they started the match.

Piccolo's POV.

i watched her laugh her head off at the stupid film with mild amusement. in fact it could have been funny if i wasnt so humiliated by this bad interpretation of events and the fact that they made us all look like weaklings. although i had to admit i almost laughed myself when Kira literally collapsed in laughter at the part where Vegeta says he wants to be like Mr Satan. Vegeta didnt look too happy about this. at least she was having fun.

when it was done the match was to begin. i was really curious to see whatt these kids could do, i mean they were from the two strongest fighters on earth. they must have inheritted some of there parents power. certainly Trunks had inheritted his fathers ego and Goten both looked like his father and even acted like he used to. it was uncanny how alike they were.

if they were anything like their parents in fighting skills this fight would be one to remember...

hey just wanted to let you know that when it gets to the pairings in the adult division im going to pretend that Mr Satan is advanced to the absolute final and there are 16 others not including him so that my character is part of the tournament without getting rid of any of the originals from the series. confusing i know but trust me it'll make sense when i get to that point. anyways see you next time =D

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