chapter 10

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you would not believe what happened to me last night! a spider the size of my hand was in my room and so me and my mum tried to catch it but guess what? jumps!!! i love LOOKING at spiders but i dont like them ON me! funny as hell though :) okay on with the story...

Kira's POV.

Piccolo was up next. he was going to be versing that Shin guy from before... the weird one. Piccolo was looking nervous, even fidgetty. i watched him as his obvious discomfort grew and my concern grew too. what was it that had my own mentor so on edge?

it looked like Goku and Vegeta had noticed his behaviour too as Goku yelled out "hey Piccolo whats up? you look out of it".

Piccolo looked up but didnt answer. Goku looked over to me and i shrugged. if i knew what was bugging Piccolo so much maybe i could help, but i knew better than to involve myself in others business. especially his.

the announcer called out that the second match would be starting in one minute. this seemed to bring Piccolo out of his trrance as he stood up and made his way towards the entrance to the arena. i walked up beside him and scanned his facial features for any sign of what he was thinking. it was no use though as he seemed to have put a poker face in place.

"hey good luck Piccolo" i said to him.

he looked down at me and nodded, not saying anything.

"and the second match will begin! here we have Majunior who in a previous tournament almost brought this arena crashing down if i remeber right. lets hope he leaves the ring intact this time" said the announcer.

i watched as Piccolo walked up into the ring and wondered about who he had been fighting that time. he hadnt even mentuioned to me that he had participated before. guess he forgot.

"and his opponent is Shin, a first timer here at the world martial arts tournament" continued the announcer as Shin confiidentally strolled into the ring after Piccolo.

this was going to be tough.

Piccolo's POV.

i watched this Shin guy enter the ring with confidence. i still didnt like the feel of him. he saw me and he smiled, or more like smirked. what gave him that cockiness?

the announcer called out to begin. Shin didnt move and neither did i. what was this? was i threatened by him? the power this guy radiated was intense and somehow familiar. who was he?

"you'll find out in time" a voice said to me telepathically.

i almost jumped. it was Shin! but how? not just anyone could break into my mind. i took a few steps back and watched Shin searching for the source of his power. when i found it i felt the sweat form on my body. his power was enormous! could this be? i suspected he was but now im sure he must be.

"so are you guys goingg to start fighting anytime soon?" asked the announcer.

i decided to make a split second decision and said to him "no, im not fighting".

the announcer looked confused and asked "so you withdraw from the match? you forfeit?"

"yes" i said swallowing my pride as i made my way back to the building.

i could see the disbeleiving faces of the others and tried not to make eye contact. i walked past Kira who had a shocked look across her features. she must be dissappointed in me, she even wished me luck! what sort of example was i setting here?

"is he really that powerful?" Goku asked from behind me.

"more than you can imagine" i replied not turning around.

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