chapter 29

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Trunk's POV.

i woke up to an unfamiliar ceiling and wondered where i was. the last i remember i had been talking to father, but then nothing... i sat up and looked around. this place was huge! Goten was asleep in the double bed beside me and i decided to wake him up.

"Goten, wake up. WAKE UP!" i tried nudging him a bit.

apparently that didnt work as the lazy bum just shifted slightly mumbling something i couldnt make out. i decided to try a new approach.

"hey Goten, its lunchtime" i said into his ear.

he suddenly sat up so quickly it caused me to fall off the bed onto the floor. "great! where's the food?" Goten asked energetically.

"why do you have ears? you hear much better with your stomach, stupid!" i muttered angrily while getting up.

"so where are we?" he asked.

"dunno" i replied bluntly.

Goten was gazing around in wonder commenting on how expensive everything looked. what a dummy!

"c'mon, lets go find some food" i said feeling hungry.

"yeah!" exclaimed Goten following me out of the room.

Kira's POV.

i had been pondering for a while now on how to get stronger but my mind was a blank. i had tried to see how far i could raise my power level before i felt myself fading into my cruel alter ego, but all that did was let me know how weak i was as just me. Piccolo had been watching me for some time, saying nothing and just observing. he was probably figuring out his own plan for how to fix me.

the catch was, no matter how hard i tried i couldnt get over the fact that Patrician's were the reason people like my mother were enslaved. and so i was finding it hard to accept my father's side of the bloodline. if only my mother would come to me and help me more! but i knew that if this was goingg to work then i was going to have to it by myself. no shortcuts.

"when will those boys wake up?" asked Krillen.

"dunno" i answered with a shrug.

"perhaps i should go wake them?" asked Mr Popo.

"yeah, that would be great!" exclaimed Goku.

i watched Mr Popo go to wake the boys in curiosity. what was Mr Popo anyway? oh well, i spose it doesnt matter. i walked over to Piccolo who appeared to be meditating now so i could get a break from this stressing catch 22 i seemed to be in.

"what are you doing?" i asked him even though it was obvious.

"what have i told you about annoying me while im trying to meditate?" he asked opening one eye to look at me.

"oh, im annoying now am i? well fine! il go and drag my annoying self away to talk to someone who wants me around!" i burst out, losing my temper for some reason.

i went to stomp off but i felt a hand grab me around the wrist and stop me. i looked back to see that Piccolo seemed as shocked by this action as i was. My face flushed.

"what?!" i snapped acting pissed off to hide the fact that my face was red from embarrassment.

he drew back his hand slowly before muttering "it doesnt matter".

what the hell? what was up with him? he was acting strangely and for some reason that was infuriating.. he seemed fine before!

"whatever! i have training to do!" i stated before turning and leaving again.

Piccolo's POV.

i watched her leave and felt guilty that i had pissed her off royally, although i had no idea what i did to make her react like that in the first place. i wonder what i had been doing when i grabbed her hand. what was i planning on saying? something along the lines of 'i want you around'? this random phase of spontanious acts was beginning to worry me. first i hug her when she transforms into a monster, and now i grab her when she tries to leave in anger. what was causing these bizarre actions?

deep down i knew the reasoning but was too proud to admit it. when Kira had transformed i was actually scared of losing her, imagine that, me being scared... and so i held her close in an attempt to keep her with me. and just now was the same deal. she was mad at me and so i reached out hoping to keep her with me. it was undeniable now and i knew it. i cared about her, deeply. the real question now was how deeply? what was she to me? a daughter figure? no. a sister? definitely not. a favoured student? why even kid myself. a friend? i dunno... there was something more than friendship there. friends didnt cause my heart to beat faster. friends didnt give me butterflies in their prescence. friends didnt move me with their smiles and i certainly couldnt imagine looking at my friends like i looked at her. no, she was more than that.

i watched her as she stopped, sat down and straightened the fur of her tail obsessively. she looked anxious and slightly lost. maybe she got mad because she is so stressed? and i simply caused a snap. she reached up as if to grab her collar, but she soon remembered it wasnt there when her fingers clamped shut on air. she looked sad for a moment and then took out the tag Vegeta had given her from her pocket. it must have been hard to hear that her close frind was gone. she didnt even have the collar to attach the tag to anymore. not that the collar had been a good thing but surely she missed the feel of it around her neck, sort of like a crude necklace.

wait! thats what i could do to cheer her up and apologise! i held my hand out, palm up, and concentrated on a black, silver studded, leather collar. a few moments later an exact replica of the one in my mind sat in my palm and i stared at it for a moment, uncertain on whether Kira would appreciate the small gift or not. i sighed and decided to at least give it a shot. i approached her hesitantly, hiding the collar from view for the time being. she turned around at the sound of my footsteps and for a moment she looked surprised to see me standing there. her eyes soon clouded though and she frowned at me looking rather like a stubborn child.

"what do you want?" she demanded rudely crossing her arms and flicking her tail.

i swallowed my pride and hoped this little problem would indeed get resolved.


hey guys! anyway i hope you liked this chapter and once again i am sorry i havent been able to update sooner but yeah...

VEGETA: apology not accepted! you have left me dead for far too long!!! how much longer will this go on?

ME: well so'rry for being so sick, coz its totally my fault that i was unwell! and anyway you'll still be off the scene for a while so suck it! =P

VEGETA: why you-- *sends blast*


PICCOLO: leave her alone. she already said she was sick. do you think that will make her better?

VEGETA: *grumbles* whatever...feh!

ME: thanks Piccolo! by the way are you sure you aren't sick yourself? youre looking a bit green... AHAHAHAHAHA!!! =)

PICCOLO: .................unbelievable......

ME: aahahahahahahaha! *stops laughing abruptly* well anyway il write that other chapter now so see you guys later and plz vote/message pwetty pwease? *puppy dog eyes*

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