chapter 11

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Gohan's POV.

i was trying to control my anger as i watched the scene in front of me. i couldnt stand seeing Vedel being pounded like this. Spopoviche knocked her to the ground again.

"Vedel, dont get up. stay down. please" i muttered to myself.

to my horror she got up again and went to attack only to be caught by Spopoviche again. he pounded her until it looked like she was going to pass out and then threw her towards the edge of the ring. now if only she could fall out of the arena, then she'd be safe. just as it looked like she was going to though Spopoviche grabbed her ankle and saved her so he could drag her back into the fight. this was going too far! i moved forwards getting ready to stop the fight but i felt a hand on my shoulder restraining me. it was Dad.

"no son, you cant interfere" he said even though i could tell he hated watching this as much as i did.

i reluctantly obeyed and watched the fight continue whilst gritting my teeth. Spopoviche had Vedel under his foot and was crushing her rib cage brutally. i could hear her screams of pain and felt my anger boil. to my right i could see Kira and Piccolo watching too. Kira looked exactly the way that i felt: scared for Vedel and angry at being able to do anything to help.

i continued to watch as a tear of pain escaped her eyes. she couldnt handle much more of this or she'd die! i started raising my power level getting ready to save her. Spopoviche then grabbed her head between his hands and started squeezing. oce again her screams filled my ears. i lost it. nobody does that to Vedel and gets away with it! i turned super saiyan and rushed forwards ignoring my dads protests.

Kira's POV.

i watched as Gohan transformed to super saiyan and rush to help. i sighed in relief as i didnt think i could watch this fight go on any longer. as i watched Gohan race over i noticed anoter figure standing close by the arena. it was that Yamu guy.

"Spopoviche, stop wasting time! we have better things to do" Yamu stated.

like an obedient dog he obeyed and kicked Vedel out of the ring like a rag doll. i stared as Gohan stopped and went back to normal to go check on Vedel. well that was certainly odd. i looked to Piccolo wit an expression of confusion and saw he looked much the same.

"we'll need to watch those two" he said.

"yeah" i mumbled back as i turned back to what was going on.

apparently Gohan had insisted on taking Vedel to medical care himself and Goku had volunteered to go get some senzu beans from Korin. meanwhile it appeared Kabito had been left to wait for Gohan to look after Vedel first. he seemed slightly impatient.

'hey Piccolo?" i asked.

"what is it?" he asked back.

"with all the tough guys like supreme kai and spopoviche in the competition do you think il even have a chance of getting a runner up prize?" i questioned.

he hesitated for a moment before saying truthfully "sorry kid, i dont think so".

"figured as much" i said giving a small smile.

there was no use getting upset now. i'll just try to make the most of this tournament. after a while both Gohan and Goku had returned and Gohan apologised for taking so long.

the announcer seemed quite happy though as he announced that the fight would start. i'd felt kind of sorry for him all this time for having to deal with the very impatient crowd. as soon as the fight was to begin i listened in to what Kabito was saying as i noticed his mouth moving rather than his fists.

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