chapter 6

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Kira's POV.

well its been 2 weeks since i apologised to Piccolo and agreed to follow every order he gives me. so far the only orders iv heard are: dont give up now, you are not allowed to sleep while im talking to you, no skipping out to go swimming, and, dont throw things at me while im meditating!

anyway four nights ago Bulma asked me when i was born and i told her "four days from today"... needless to say she made a big deal of it and insisted she throw a birthday party for me, especially since she found out id never celebrated while id been enslaved, it was always just another day.

so here i am sitting in a tree by the lake waiting for someone to come get me for the party as Bulma didnt want me there to see her decorate and forced me out of the house. i didnt mind, i rather like relaxing in the early morning sun. i got more comfortable on the branch and pulled out the grapes id managed to swipe on my way out this morning and started eating them. i was down to my last three when a large bird came swooping dow and swiped them out of my hand! i freaked and almost fell out of the tree, not expecting such a thing to happen. i looked around angrily as i had been enjoying my snack and i spotted the bird. it was sitting a couple of branches down and seemed to have not eaten any of the grapes as of yet. i was so gonna get them back! i leapt at the bird who flew to a branch across from it almost mocking my attempt. "damn it" i leapt at it again and this time it flew upwards. i was very persistant and did not like being beaten so like before i leapt at it again and again and again. i was getting very angry now and so i put all of my rage into my next leap which was down to one of the lowest branches. i jumped and landed right in front of it quickly swiping it up in my hand as it panicked and dropped my grapes to the ground.

"why is it that everytime i see you your doing something that exaggerates your cat-like nature?" asked someone from behind me scaring the crap out of me in the process and making me release the bird who went flying hurridely away.

"Piccolo! why did you have to do that? i had the nasty thing where i wanted it. the stupid creature stole my grapes!" i said in a childish whiney voice.

"your such a kid. here" he said sighing as he picked up the grapes and threw them to me.

i ate them quickly so that no other birds had a chance to snatch them again. Piccolo was staring at me like i was an idiot and seemed to be waiting for me.

"im guessing your here because Bulma's finished right?" i asked even though i knew the answer aalready.

he just nodded and took off flying with me following behind, like usual. we arrived at the house and my jaw almost hit the ground. there were streamers and balloons everywhere! there were so many i was absolutely amazed the house wasnt floating away by now.Piccolo saw my face and i saw the corners of his mouth pull up in a smile as though he found my reactions funny.we walked in and i almost had a heart attack! everyone was there and as if on cue they all yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

i was so happy i could feel my tail swaying side to side and my ears were perked right up as well as i found a strange urge to bounce up and down. Bulma walked up and hugged me before putting a sash around me that read: Birthday Girl. embarrassing i know...

"happy 20th Kira" said Gohan from behind me.

"yeah happy bithday" added Trunks and Goten who were both wearing stupid looking party hats.

"thanks" i said gratefully to everybody.

"ok ok party time!" said Bulma before she turned on some music that sounded like the techno i had heard from the clubs the slavers used to store us under. it was a good sound though because it reminded me i was safe here.

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