chapter 7

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Kira's POV.

it was now the night before the tournament and i am currently squirming in Bulma's grasp as she is trying to disinfect my recently pierced ears.

"hold still would you?" she asked jumping on top of me as i tried another escape.

"no! it stings!" i screamed as yet again i thwarted her attempt to wipe my ear.

"so you can take punches, energy blasts, kicks and god knows what else but a little disinfectant is too much to handle?" she asked in mockery.

"i dont know what it is but yes! it hurts way more than punches! id rather take ten of Piccolo's punches to the face than face this any longer" i screamed.

"dont tempt me" a deep voice said from the doorway.

"Piccolo save me! she attacking my precious ears" i asked him with tears of pain brimming.

he looked taken aback for a moment when he saw my face but soon relaxed against the doorway with his arms crossed, looking agitated.

"your the one who wanted your ears pierced. deal with it" he said coldly.

"aw thats heartless and you know it! anyway i only pierced my ears because you made me such nice earings i had to wear them!" i tried to guilt trip him.

i ducked away from Bulma as she once again tried to put that nasty stuff near my piercing. as she made an attempt to step around me she accidently stepped on my tail causing me to yelp out in pain.

"ow! owie! ow! ow! that hurt" i said cradling my tail which now throbbed.

"first its your ear and now its your tail! i give up!" complained Bulma throwing the swab and the disinfectant aside and walking into the kitchen.

Piccolo was watching me and shaking his head. i stuck my tongue out at him and went back to nursing my tail. he sighed and grabbed the stuff Bulma had discarded and approached me. now i was worried.

"what are you doing with that?" i asked nervously hoping i was wrong in my assumption.

"im going to disinfect your ear whether you like it or not. you can either make this easy for both of us and come here now or i can knock you out and then do this, your choice" he said seriously.

i knew when he said that he would seriously stick to it so i reluctantly walked over and sat down in front of a couch in the loungeroom. he sat on the couch behind me and i heard him cover the swab in the stinging stuff before bringing it to the earing. i braced for the stinging... but it never came.

i could feel the swab but not the cleansing sting i had felt before. it was like it wasnt there at all.

"Piccolo are you sure that swab is covered enough?" i asked.

"definately. why" he asked puzzled.

"oh, just it doesnt hurt when you clean it" i said wonderingly.

in my peripheril vision i could see a slight blush in his cheeks and wondered what i could have said to make him embarrassed. i hummed to myself as he worked the disinfectant in and i felt myself drifting off. before i knew it i was asleep.

Piccolo's POV.

i dont know why but i felt my face heating up when Kira said that i didnt hurt her. maybe it was because her ears were so soft in my hands, or maybe it was the fact that her tail kept accidently rubbing my leg as i sat there. either way i should have been able to ignore it

i finished cleaning her ears and put the stuff on the table beside the chair.

"ok Kira, all done" i said waiting for her to move.

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