chapter 15

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Kira's POV.

i was watching Shin with interest now. he appeared to be processing something in his head and his look of deep concentration actually reminded me a bit of Piccolo when he was trying to work out the strange things he always seemed to catch me doing.

i continued my staring, occasionally cocking my head to one side or another and apparentlly catching Gohan's attention.

'what exactly are you doing?" he eventually asked.

"watching the supreme kai's thinking expression" i answered truthfully.

"ummm.....why?" he questioned, obviously thinking it was weird.

"because he reminds me of a less grumpy Piccolo" i replied making him laugh.

"i guess so" he said.

"so Vegeta calmed down?" i asked Gohan.

"sort of. but he has a point. i screwed up!" he admitted.

"you didnt know Dabura would run like that. dont beat yourself up so much, i mean, im sure Vegeta would love to do it for you" i said trying to lighten the mood.

it worked. unfortunately just as i thought i was helping everyone lighten up Shin started freaking out.

"supreme kai whats wrong?" asked Goku worridely.

"no. it cant be! not him..." Shin trailed off.

"what do you mean? not who?" asked Gohan.

Shin just backed off staring at a specific point. it took me a moment to realise he was staring at Vegeta who didnt look in the slight bit amused. why was Shin freaking over Vegeta? i understand he can be scary sometimes but c'mon? seriously? what the hell?

"can you stop rambling nonsense and tell us whats up?" i asked in frustration, quickly losing patience.

no sooner had the words leftt my mouth though that it happened. i heard it before i saw it as Vegeta doubled over grabbing his head and shouting out in pain. whats going on? i watched in horror as it continued and he thrashed in agony.

"Vegeta! whats wrong?" asked Gou in a panic.

"somethings attacking me..." Vegeta trailed off.

"where? we dont see anything" said Goku.

" my...head" struggled Vegeta still grabbing his head.

i was worried now. i'd never seen Vegeta attacked by anything with this effect. it wasnt right!

"fight it Vegeta! you must!" shouted Shin and i realised this is why he had been freaking. he saw it coming.

Vegeta yelled out loudly almost deafening my sensitive ears so i flattened them as much as possible to my head. he then turned super saiyan and continued his agonised shouts. there was a bizarre red aura around himand now electrical sparks could be seen in the air around him. Gohan moved closer and was thrown back by his surge of power causing him to crash into a wall.

"Gohan! you ok?" asked Goku and i at the same time.

"yeah im good" he said getting back up.

this was getting out of hand. what did Baubidi think he was doing? i knew it had to be Baubidi causing this. anyone else would have been brave enough to have shown their face. perhaps he was trying to take control of Vegeta? yeah thats gotta be it! that would also make sense of what Dabura said about a strong, new recruit. and Vegeta certainly was strong.

"Vegeta! dont let Baubidi control you! dont let yourself become a slave like i was!" i yelled to him.

Vegeta's shouts continued but now he was sinking to the floor and keeled over landing on his knees and still gripping he sides of his head. if only i could do more. then all of a sudden it stopped...

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