chapter 23

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Piccolo's POV.

as Kira hit the ground i approached Vegeta. i looked at each of the unconcious bodies on the way wondering at how easy it had actually been to knock them cold. truthfully i might have worried about them if i didnt already know Vegeta wouldnt actually hurt Trunks or a close person like Kira. he may have hurt Goten, but in the current situation i rather doubted he'd be bothered.

"was knocking them out really necessary to get them out of the way?" i asked.

"can you get them out of here? im entrusting them to you Namek" he replied arrogantly.

"i understand. you know Kira regarded you as the closest person to her besides Bulma" i said having heard her last remark.

"i think you were above me on that list" he said back.

i said nothing. mainly because i didnt know what to say. this was not the time to be thinking over such matters though.

"il get them out of here" i said finally grabbing Trunks and Goten by the back of their clothes in one hand and Kira in the other. i went to fly away but Vegeta halted me.

"wait! before you go tell me something, and be truthful. when i go will i see Kakarot on the other side?" he asked not facing me.

"im sorry but no. Goku is a selfless person who devoted his life to protecting others. you on the other hand have caused too much destruction and spent your entire life striving for selfish gain. you wont go to the same place" i answered truthfully.

"oh well. guess you cant have everything" was all he said back, still wit his back turned to me.

"you should go now" he advised just then as Buu strode towards him furious over being kicked.

i flew off towards Krillen with the boys and Kira still being carried. he looked at me questioningly.

"we have to get out of here" i said continuing as he hurried to join me.

"whats going on?" he asked as he caught up.

"Vegeta's going to sacrifice himself to destroy Buu" i said grinding my teeth.

"what?! shouldnt we stop him?" asked Krillen.

"no. let him do this. this is the first time in his life he's done something for someone othher than himself. he needs this" i told him.

"well can i at least be of assistance? why dont you let me carry someone?" offered Krillen.

i didnt need the help but i obliged anyway just so i could give him something constructive to do. i was about to pass over Kira but i felt an annoying nagging feeling that made me hand over Trunks instead. i readjusted my hold on the other two as we flew so that i now had Goten held securely by his belt and, being heavier, Kira around the middle.

i felt a wave of extreme power just as i got a proper grip on the two. could that really be Vegeta? he was much more powerful than i originally gave him credit for.

"is that really Vegeta?" asked Krillen wordingg my thoughts.

"yeah. he's so strong now..." i muttered almost to myself.

it seemed we werent far enough away by the time the blast hit and i felt myself being thrown by the force.

Bulma's POV.

there was a bright light in the distance that caught my attention. what could that be? obviously the others hadnt seen it yet as ChiChi was still ranting at Vedel.

"you know i really resent the fact that you let our little boys go off like that! you should have at least tried to stop them" ChiChi argued at the guilty looking Vedel.

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