Chapter 33

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Hey guys, sorry this took so long when I said I'd have it up sooner...The internet in the area I live in is crap and always drops out so I've had to wait until we switched company's before I could upload. Anyways, this chapter doesn't really have much plot progression but considering I haven't written any of this for ages it was more a stepping stone to get me back into the swing of this particular story. Well...enjoy!

I couldn't believe it, I actually thought I could die right now. Goku had decided that a demonstration of the fusion dance might help them better understand the synergy involved. The best part was that he had decided to get Piccolo to help demonstrate and he had been less than enthusiastic but went along anyway. I couldn't help but laugh me ass off the entire time.

"I hope you're enjoying yourself, I feel like an idiot" he mumbled as he came to join me after that humiliating display.

"Oh, don't be like that, you looked fabulous!" I offered before completely braking down into yet another bout of the giggles, this time Krillen joining me.

"May be you should stop" Goten suddenly said, tugging at my pants.

"Yeah, he looks pretty mad" Trunks pointed out.

I managed to calm down just long enough to glance at my green friend and saw that they weren't kidding. I gulped and sobered up, trying to look as innocent as possible under his piercing glare but it really didn't seem to do much. I turned to see if Krillen was in as much trouble as me but the little traitor had bailed!

"When I get back to helping you train you are in for the worst time of your life" he told me firmly and I believed him.

"Saying sorry now isn't going to help much is it?" I tried but he just remained silent while Goku sweat-dropped at our exchange.

"Moving along...Now that you boys have watched the technique done properly it shouldn't be too hard to imitate the technique" Goku said addressing the boys.

"Do we really have to do this?" mumbled Trunks to which I sent him a sympathetic nod and he sighed in defeat.

"Are you guys ready to start training?" asked Goku and both boys gave a very enthusiastic "YEAH!" even though it was obvious that they would really rather not.

"Hold up Goku" I called as a sudden thought took hold "Maybe you should sit this one out and let Piccolo take over from here".

"Huh, why?" he asked while he dripped with sweat, his last encounter with Buu obviously having taken its toll.

"If you push yourself any further you could shorten your time on earth even further than you already have" I pointed out and Piccolo nodded his agreement.

Goku frowned and looked ready to give a counter-argument but before he could a small, pink-haired old lady riding a crystal ball swooped in from nowhere and shouted "TICK TOCK, TIME IS UP!"

Needless to say this scared the crap out of me but I refrained from jumping too badly. Seriously, where do all these weird people keep popping up from? It appeared Goku wasn't too pleased with her announcement and appeared to have started arguing with the flamingo lady.

"Wondering who that is?" asked a deep voice I recognized as Piccolo's. I hadn't even realized he had moved, man my perceptive skills are really suffering right now.

"Yeah actually, is she like a minion of death or something?" I asked him and he smirked a bit. It was nice seeing him acting somewhat normal again.

"Hardly. She more like a witch of sorts. She's also sister to Roshi if you can believe it" Piccolo explained.

"Huh. I can't really see any resemblance" I noted, more to myself than anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2015 ⏰

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