chapter 20

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Kira's POV.

truth be told i was not okay at all. there was something wrong with my heart, it was racing a million miles a minute. and no, it wasnt from all the danger around us, it was from the closeness of my mentor and...friend? wait, id used these exact words before to describe Piccolo to Gohan. what was it he'd said to me? oh i remember... 'is that all he is?' actually i wasnt sure what i considered him anymore. he was more than a friend, friends didnt cause my heart to race in mere proximity to them. i couldnt possibly have feelings for him could i? no! thats crazy! he's much older than me and stronger too. plus Piccolo is a namek, a high class, and im just a plebian, member of a slave race. i sighed out loud.

"whats up Kira?" asked Goten.

Piccolo turned to look at me as did the others and i felt my face go red. crap! Piccolo can read thougghts! what if he reads my mind and finds out i was thinking of him that way? i quickly distracted my mind with listing colours and answered "im fine. just wondering how we should deal with our current situation".

Piccolo's POV.

i could tell she was lying. her eyes gave it away as well as the way she was nervously tugging at her collar. her face was red and i wondered if it was from the heat. i made eye contact with her for a moment and was surprised when she quickly averted her gaze. what was she hiding? i delved into her mind looking for the answer but was put off by a rather bizarre train of thought...

"red, blue, purple, orange, pink, green, wait! no green!!! ummm...grey, yellow, green...damnit!"

well that was weird. why was she avoiding having to think of green? wait, im green...was she angry at me? was it because i wasnt there to help when Buu arrived? well i couldnt really do much... i was a statue. and in hundreds of pieces no less.

Kira's POV.

i noticed Piccolo giving me an odd look. was he really trying to read my thoughts? just to test this theory i mentally yelled inside my head "GET OUT OF MY THOUGHTS YOU STICKY BEAK!!!"

he visibly flinched and i smiled to myself as h diverted his attention back to Buu and Baubidi. they were now standing above Shin who was still eating dirt.

"what shall we do with him Buu?" asked Baubidi.

"me turn him into chocolate" said Buu licking his lips.

Baubidi burst out laughing, "oh yes! how fitting. theres nothing better than the thought of him ending up in your stomach!"

what was their damage? eating people? what was wrong with groceries from the store? geez...

i was waiting for the moment when the thing on top of Buu's head would curve forwards knowing id never make it there in time to stop this. and even if i did make it there i was no match for this pink freak. just as i thought that there was a massive explosion behind Baubidi as his ship was blown to pieces. what the hell?

"Buu what happened? grrr, that was our only way off this planet! Buu find who did this and kill them!" Baubidi yelled in anger.

i was curious to know who had done this too, but not to kill congradulate them!!! i heard laughter coming from the smoke of the explosion, familiar laughter. Vegeta walked out, still with the trademark 'M' on his head but i could somehow sense something different about him. it was like he actually had full free will now.

"Vegeta there you are? i was wondering whre you went... did you blow up my ship?" asked Baubidi.

"as a matter of fact i did" replied Vegeta with a smirk.

yep! he was back to normal alright.

Baubidi growled and yelled "how dare you! i never ordered you to do that! you will pay!"

Vegeta just laughed and taunted, "oh really?"

"Buu kill this fool!" ordered Baubidi.

Buu took a few stteps towards Vegeta as he just stared at it like it was an unpleasant bug. did he not sense Buu's power?

"so this ugly blob is Buu huh?" asked Vegeta, causing Buu to stop and face Baubidi.

"oo-gly? what does he mean oo-gly?" Buu asked as Vegeta watched in mild amusement.

"he means your face frightens small children" explained Baubidi. what a weird description...

this gt a reaction out of Buu. he opened his eyes and glared at Vegeta with teeth bared.

"hit a nerve have we?" mocked Vegeta.

Buu squared his shoulders and randomly steam started blasting out of the holes on his arms and head. id never seen such a literal act of 'blowing off steam'. he looked like a living kettle.

"ugh. what a disgusting creature" said Vegeta watching with an unimpressed look on his face.

i watched in fascination as the fight begun. Vegeta wasnt even breaking a sweat yet, although neither was Buu. in fact he'd barely moved yet.

"give up. didnt you sense what happened to your other friends?" called Baubidi.

"yes. you killed Gohan. but i will not be as easy to defeat" Vegeta said and i felt my throat constrict.

Gohan is dead? impossible. i mean, i couldnt sense his energy but i thought maybe he was just knocked out or something. my friend was gone...

i looked over at Piccolo and saw that he'd heard as well. those two were close. this had to be hard on him and i could tell it was from the strained look on his face and the fact that his fists were clenched and shaking. apparently, with poorer hearing, none of the others had heard this statement.

i tried to distract myself from this loss by focusing on the here and now. it looked as though Vegeta had gotten the upper hand. he sent a blast at Buu which hit and actually blasted a hole through his stomach! i cheered. this was great!

"yes!" called out Piccolo in victory much to my surprise.

"go Dad!" cheered Trunks.

but just as we thought it was over Buu got up and puffed out his stomach filling in the hole and regenerating. what the hell? no way! that cant be possible.....


yay! i finished 20 chapters!!! im in such a good mood that il even forget that the guys were being mean to me and let them all back in=)

VEGETA: about time human!

GOHAN: it was getting kind of cold out there.

ME: well now you know what will happen if you tease the writer of your story. you know i still have the power to kill you all off =P

PICCOLO: u wouldnt dare!

ME: i might... actually everbody dies at least once dont they? except Goku coz he is already dead...

GOKU: yeah its kind of convenient =)

ME: thats the way! see the glass half full in life...or death!!! =D

VEGETA: idiots.....

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