chapter 25

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Shin's POV.

i had taken my chance to escape as soon as Vegeta arrived on the scene. i had to find Gohan! i knew he must still be alive somewhere, but if i didnt hurry he wouldnt be for much longer. i stumbled along my path between two canyon walls. if only i had enough strength to fly. i am supreme Kai! i shouldnt be this weak and defenceless!

Kira's POV.


i was at a creek surrounded by mist. what was this place? was i dead? how could that have happened? the lastt thing i remember is watching the broken pieces of my collar fall to the ground and then everything went fuzzy. wait! i do remember someone wrapping their arms around me. but who had it been?

as i began to wonder a figure began forming in the mist in front of me. the figure was tall and slender and seemed to be approaching me. i should have been guarded against the stranger but oddly enough i felt as if i knew this person...

"who's there?" i asked, squinting to see their face.

"oh Kira, you've grown up to be so beautiful" came a voice.

the voice was a woman's and it was the most melodic, soothing voice id ever heard. the figure came closer and i could now make out every detail of her features perfectly. she had the same shade of black hair as me that came down just below her shoulders, ivory skin that was only slightly more pale than my own, and eyes of the most vibrant orange.

"are you... are you my mother?" i asked feeling that i already knew the answer.

"yes! i've come to help you" my mother answered.

"but you're dead!" i blurted and she came to hug me.

"yes. unfortunately my body wasnt strong enough to birth a child. sfter the slvers took you from me they kind of did me a favour by finishing me quickly. it would have otherwise been slow and painful" she explained.

"i still hate them" i said as she stroked my hair.

"i know darling. i still hate your father, although if he hadnt of done what he did to me then i never would have had you. so i am somewhat grateful" mother said.

"mum what did you come here to help me with?" i asked changing the subject.

i was still uncomfortable with the fact that my father was a nasty, slaving, abusing Patrician. although judging by the fact that my eyes werent the same orange that my mothers were i was guessing i couldnt deny some of my traits had to be from him. i think understood my need to avoid that subject because she smiled knowingly and followed suit.

"well you've recently uncovered your true potential, yes?" she asked and i shrugged.

"i dont remember anything after my collar broke" i admitted while subconciously feeling the bare area of my neck and noticing the difference.

"then let me refresh your memory"she said and led me to the creek pointing to the surface.

it was like a movie started on the surface, but i recognised this scenerio. this was the moment my collar broke! i watched as the creek showed my transformation into a creature with grey skin, black stripes, claws, fangs and a nasty attitude. then it all stopped just as i saw Piccolo pull me into hug which evidentally triggered my change back to normal.

its like i was another person, but i know those things said were my thoughts..." i muttered.

"thats only because you didnt know how to control your emotions running wild. if you had been calm when you made the transformation you could have retained your sanity and stayed yourself instead of letting negativity consume you" mum explained.

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