chapter 31

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Kira's POV.

it seemed as though Goku had found out that Trunks and Goten had woken up, raided the kitchen and then tried to attack Mr Popo! those boys sure had a lot of energy considering what had happened so far today... it seemed to be stretching out forever!

"hey Kira, Goku wants us upstairs" said Bulma sadly.

"he's going to tell them isn't he?" i asked referring to thhe death of Gohan and Vegeta.

she just nodded, holding back tears and led the way. i noticed Piccolo heading the same direction and glanced at him wondering whether he'd even acknowledge me. his gaze met mine for a moment before he turned his head to look in the opposite direction. guess that answered my question. i sighed and looked over to Krillen and Yamcha who were both watching me and Piccolo with smirks still on their faces. why couldnt they see that they had to be wrong? i mean, Piccolo didnt even want to look at me right now so how could they even think that there might be something going on between us?

Piccolo's POV.

i dont know why but i just couldnt hold her gaze. i dont know if it was because of the awkwardness or because i was worried that it might turn into yet another similar situation as before. i still dont know what came over me then. i just couldnt look away from her eyes. i dont want to lose control like that again so il just avoid eye contact. i made it into the room that Goku, Goten and Trunks were in just as he broke the news to them.

"wahhh! my b-b-brother... he cant be dead! wahhh!" cried Goten openly.

"you're dad cant die... he cant! *sniffle*" Trunks tried to hide his sobbing.

i waited as patiently as possible for the two boys to stop their weeping, although it didnt look as though they would be done anytime soon. i saw Kira move towards them looking sorrowful before she bent down and pulled them both into a hug. i new she meant well but right now comforting them was not helping us in preparing them for training.

"Kira, let the go. you're not helping" i stated.

she turned to glare at me, obviously angry at my lack of sympathy for the boys. she was too protective of them for her, or their, own good.

"they need to be strong" i explained and her glare softened before she nodded in understanding and stood up, releasing Trunks and Goten from her hug.

"okay now stop crying you two, we need to get training" Goku said to the boys.

they didnt stop though and even acted as though they hadnt heard him. if they didnt shut up soon then i would make them, the same way i got Gohan to stop being a cry baby when he was a kid.

"Trunks, Goten, crying wont fix anything or bring anyone back. all it does is show your weakness and right now you need to be strong, so get over the pain and channel it into something more productive" said Kira, but the boys still cried even though i know that they heard her.

so that was part of the reason she never cries. she had a good point though, tears never solved anything.

"stop that right now!" Goku finally yelled, a little harshly.

"Goku!" Kira reprimanded.

"what? it worked didnt it?" he defended pointing to the boys.

it had indeed worked. both boys had now reverted to just sniffling occasionally which was a good sign. the only downside is that they both looked a little hostile towards Goku for yelling at them. this could be a problem...

Gohan's POV.

we were noe flying towards the all powerful Z Sword. i still didnt really understand exactly what it was but according to Supreme Kai (Shin) releasing it would entail reaching my full potential as well as being a really powerful weapon. Kabito seemed to doubt that i could free the sword and it was obvious that he disliked me, but Shin had faith.

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