Never say the 'L' word (dragonball z)

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appearance:black hair down to her lower back, black cat ears and tail, dark blue eyes, pale skin, slender build.

race and background:she is a Plebian (u kno like the lower class of rome...) who grew up in slavery after her mother was killed after giving birth to her and her father was the one who captured and, well, got her mother pregnant against her will (he was a patrician which is a very powerful species of plebian). after surviving through the arena of nightmares, where slavers put one slave against another and the winner gets to eat, she was bought by one of Baubidi's associates who helped in creating buu with Baubidi's father Bibidi. after years of abuse and slaving she escaped from her planet by killing her master and stealing a transportation pod. the story begins from here...


i felt the shakes in my pod and opened my eyes. there it was! the planet i would start my life over on and hopefully finally find peace. i sat up and braced myself for the impact of the landing that was soon to follow, grabbing my collar and adjusting it slightly so i wouldnt damage my neck with the whiplash. as i entered the earth's atmosphere i felt the pod heat up and my body beginning to sweat as my pod continued its hurtling towards the ground. i hope i dont land in the middle of a city, im not sure if these inhabitants are used to inter-galactic imigrants yet. i smiled at my choice of wording as it seemed to be a perfect description of what i really was, just add the words homeless, starved, lost, criminal and wreck to the list and u would have a full profile. i looked out the window to see how far off i was when i realised i could see a forest just below me, and it was really close! i knew the pod was still going too fast for this landing to be anything but rough but although i tried to brace myself more i knew i would reach the ground in a matter of seconds. "crap!" i muttered.


i felt the impact for only the briefest moment before i was slammed forward and knocked out.

Bulma's POV.

i grabbed yet another plate of food Chi Chi had brought over and moved it to the table outside where everyone was congregated. it was good that the whole gang was together like this, even if it was rare. i looked over to where Vegeta was resting up against a tree looking like a loner and sighed. why cant that man even pretend to look like he is enjoying himself? by now i was used to his personality as well as the anti-socialism that went with it so i said nothing and instead decided to relax a little. taking up a deck chair i smiled as i noticed trunks and Chi Chi's son Goten fighting over the last sandwich in a quick flurry of movements. it seemed most of the others were watching too. Yamcha and Tien looked as if they were betting on the winner, Krillen and 18 were watching with interest as their daughter Marron sat in 18's arms clapping, Gohan and master Roshi were smiling as they watched the fighting boys, Vegeta was showing his usual disinterest, Chi Chi was looking in their direction with concern and Piccolo was sitting in a meditating position but with one eye open and focusing on both Trunks and Goten. Chi Chi walked over to me then and i knew what was coming.

"hey Bulma do you think its time we stopped them? what if one of them gets hurt?" she askedworriedly.

"they are ok as long as they dont start blowing things up" i answered her feeling too lazy today to be bothered.

"but i still think this will get out of hand" insisted Chi Chi.

i sighed and started to stand up when i noticed Vegeta was no longer standing by the tree and was instead walking calmly towards the boys. i watched as he suddenly moved to fast for the eyes to see and reappeared between Trunks and Goten holding the sandwich they had been fighting over. i was just wondering what he was planning to do next when he lifted the food to his mouth and ate the whole thing! i had to laugh at the sight as this was different from the norm and quite interesting. the boys faces as they watched the food disappear down Vegeta's throat was unforgettable as their mouths dropped and the stared disbelieving at him. everyone else seemed equally shocked, well, all except for piccolo who had simply gone back to meditating.

"what?" Vegeta suddenly asked all the onlookers who immediately snapped out of it and hesitantly went back to whatever they were doing before the scene.

"see Chi Chi, nothing to worry about" i said leaning back and stretchhing.

thats when i saw it. the comet hurtling towards the forest just outside the city. but it wasnt a comet, they didnt look like that or have a suspicious looking shape at the centre. i was just about to say something when i realised the others were already looking into the sky at the mysterious object also.

"what is that?" asked Krillen.

"i dont know, but i can guarantee thats not just any comet" said Gohan eyeing off the flying object.

we all watched as it descended and then hit the ground causing the earth to shake and a large cloud of dust rise in the distance.

"should we go check it out?" Trunks asked also staring off towards where it landed.

"yeah, yeah! lets go!" exclaimed Goten looking excited and bouncing up and down.

"i'll come with you two" i offered getting up and ready to leave before asking "who else is coming?"

"i will. we dont know what that thing is and i dont want to take any chances" stated Gohan.

"count me out. whatever it is it holds no interest to me" said Vegeta making his way inside with a bored look on his face.

"fine. be that way!" i said childishly to his back poking my tongue out.

"piccolo are you coming?" asked Gohan to his old friend.

"i think you can handle it" piccolo smirked in reply as he continued sitting in his meditating pose.

"ok then lets go" i said waving Gohan, Trunks and Goten towards my ship.

soon we were up in the air and flying full speed towards the crash site. i only hoped it was something friendly that awaited us...

im sorry it was so slow paced but i promise it will get better! after all i havnt even gotten to the tournement where goku reenters the scene for his one day on earth. yep thats right :) this is going to take place somewhere in the buu saga. and i havent really decided who kira will end up with yet... so yeah. well see u next time!

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