chapter 22

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Kira's POV.

i decided to move just as Trunks seemed to do the same. he certainly had courage! just proof that he really did have saiyan blood in him.

"c'mon we gotta help!" Trunks said as he turned super saiyan and took off.

"yeah!" said Goten as he attempted to follow suit.

he went to fly off but Piccolo's hand shot out and grabbed him by the ankle, stopping him in his tracks.

"i cant let you do that" growled Piccolo.

i wondered why he seemed to worry more for Goten's safety than for Trunks'. maybe it was because he was Gohan's little brother, which would also explain why he didnt want him to get killed. we'd already lost Gohan...

"if i was Gohan you'd let me go!" Goten suddenly snapped.

"what?!" asked Piccolo taken aback.

Goten took this chance while Piccolo was off guard to fly out of his grasp and go help. i looked over at Piccolo who still looked a little bit stunned. i didnt even see that comment coming! i let my eyes drift towards where the boys had flown to and felt the longing to go too. Piccolo must have seen the look on my face because he said in a stern voice, "dont even think about it".

"but they get to go and they are just boys!" i whined.

"yes, but with that collar on they are still far more powerful than you" he explained.

"well i wouldnt still be stuck with this if a certain someone hadnt petitioned against its removal!" i said pointedly giving him an 'i blame you' look.

"you know how risky that could have been. anyway Goku had the final say and he agreed with me" defended Piccolo.

that gave me an idea! i needed to distract him so i could get away and join the boys. i pointed over his shoulder to the sky with a look of glee on my face and said, "oh my god! is that Goku?"

both Piccolo and Krillen, who was standing behind him, turned around looking hopeful. i was so going to get in shit for this later. i took my chance and flew off as fast as i could, not even checking if i was being pursued. i whizzed past Baubidi, who looked like he'd only just recovered from being trampled by the boys, and so i punched him as i flew past. he deserved a lot more but i was in a hurry.

"you witch! you'll pay for this!" he yelled at me.

i gave him the finger and ignored him as i sped off towards Vegeta who was now being unbound after Trunks had kicked Buu away. i was glad he was still breathing.

Piccolo's POV.

damn that girl! she actually had me fooled for a moment. i'll have to teach her a lesson later butt for now i need to figure out a way to keep those three eager idiots alive. didnt they realise how strong BBuu is? he's already grounded Vegeta!

i looked over to see Kira punch Baubidi on her way past. he yelled at her but she just made a crude hand gesture and kept going, obviously too occupied to care. i decided i better go deal with Baubidi myself, after all if it werent for him Gohan would still be alive. i flew over and watched as he finally noticed me.

"my, what an unusual shade of green you are. but of course it must be from envy of my Buu's power" he said in amusement.

i grunted in annoyance and said, "no, im always this colour".

he only stared at me curiously so i continued, "you're the reason my friend is dead. i think its your turn" i said as i saw Baubidi flinch in fear.

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