chapter 18

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Kira's POV.

i rushed forwards just as Buu made to move towards Shin. i didnt really expect this to work but i punched him anyway, as hard as i could. my fist was rebounded my his fleshy pink fat. unbelievable! not even the slightest sign of damage.

"what te hell is this thing made of?" i mumbled to myself as Buu turned to face me directly.

if i thought that Piccolo's punches in training had hurt then they were nothing to the punch i received in the gut now. i felt the air leave my lungs and struggled to heave oxygen back in without success. Buu started moving towards Shin again, who appeared frozen with fear. i had to do something! i brought my hands in front of me and forrmed a relatively small ki ball before sending it at the pink monster. it definitely hit its target, but there was no evidence of damage at all. Buu turned to glare at me and i felt fear run throughout my entire being.

before i could run, block or even just brace myself Buu backhanded me, sending me into the ground right near the statues of Krillen and Piccolo. luckily i didnt hit them though. i saw the ground come up to meet me and then...darkness.

Gohan's POV.

i regained conciousness just in time to hear Shinn call out Kira's name in worry. seemed like they were in need of assistance. i dragged myself into sitting position and looked up. Buu attacked Shin and sent him hurtling into the ground a little further away. a fall like that wouldnt kill him but if i didnt do something soon Buu surely would. i got up and sent a blast at him before rushing in for hand to hand fiighting. it didnt matter how quick my attacks were Buu was able to block them with ease. damnit!

was getting worn out and failed to realise id let my guard down for a moment. Buu took this oppertunity and sent a massive blast att me. i wouldnt have time to deflect this. i caught the blast but it was too strong and swiped away my footing. i felt my body losing the will to continue as the blast carried me further into my doom. i closed my eyes... and that was it.

Kira's POV.


i was back at the nightmere arena. all the people in the crowdd were cheering at the displays of killing and cruelty. it was disgusting. i reached for my collar and tugged at it nervously. i knew id be out there next to fight some poor soul to the death, or else starve and be killed. i hated having to do this every week but i was determined to survive. as the slavers carried the corpse of the loser out of the arena i took my place in front of the heavy iron doors waiting to see my opponent. finally the ddoors opened and i found myself faced with a young boy, maybe 15 or so. he looked so scared...

as the horn sounded i rushed forwards at te boy. even though it would tear me up on the inside i would surely win this fight. the boy grabbed my arm as i went to punch him and threw me away from him. i backflipped and landed only to run at him again, this time dropping to slide under his kicking leg and end up behind him. from there i grabbed his head and with a twist i broke his neck, making a crack sound as it did so. i felt like crying as the boys body fell to the floor but i held back. nothing was ever solved with tears and the slavers enjoyed my suffering so i refused to give them the satisfacction.

the scene changed and i was in a room made up of glass walls. behind this glass were groups of men staring in at me...slave traders. a voice rang through the room saying "plebian female. full health. 18 years old. virgin. raised in slavery. mother, plebian noble. father, unknown".

the bidding began as it always did, with prices skyrocketting until everyone hit the same point where they all began arguing about worth. this time however a higher bid came through, a bid that set the record for my class of slaves. the slave traders name was Histolp. he was a stocky alien with pasty blue skin scattered with deep purple splotches and gaping holes where ears should be. i shivered and dreaded my exchange.

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