Never say the 'L' word ch2

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Kira's POV.

i rubbed my head as i got out of the now destroyed pod. i looked at the sky and saw that the sun was i almost the exact spot it had been when i crashed which meant i wasnt out of it for too long. i stretched my arms and then looked around in interest at the planet i had chosen for my new home. its very green. this fact did not bother me at all as my favourite colour besides black was green. i started to search around the edges of my recently made crater to see where i could go now that i had arrived. to be honest i really didnt think this far ahead. my main priorities were: escape from master Histolp and find my way to Earth. now that i was here i had no idea how to go about setting up a house and getting this planets currency. i sighed and sat down with my legs crossed and my face in my hands pondering whether or not i should move away from the crash site and the safety of my pod.

i could always just find a cave and set up camp there among the forest and its tiny creatures that now crawled through the trees around me. or i could make my way to the city and find someone to help, although that would mean covering my ears and tail. it didnt matter what planet you went to ears and tails were generally considered strange. i had only met one earthling before coming here and he had been very plain, with small curved ears barely visible under his mop of hair and he had possessed no tail whatsoever. i then realised that i forgotten my beanie i usually used to cover my ears with back on my home planet, or at least the planet i had once been forced to live on as my home.

i was just about to consider every possible action i could take to survive when i heard something coming this way. my ears twitched as i strained to hear it properly and my tail swished back and forth nervously. what could be heading this way so soon? i squinted my eyes and searched in the direction the sound seemed to be coming from. it was a ship. it sort of resembled the air carriers that the slavers had used to bring in the 'fresh meat' as they liked to call us. i shuddered and forced myself to look again, this time more closely. it wasnt a slavers ship at all but that still didnt mean that whoever was piloting it was any nicer than them. i quickly ran over to the edge of the trees as the ship came closer and climbed the sturdiest one with all the grace and agility of a cat. i waited as the ship landed and the door opened to reveal 4 figures, two adults and two kids. the two kids rushed out and excitedly made their way to the crater in which my pod was currently lodged.

the one with purple hair turned to the other who had blaack spiky hair and said "what do you think made such a big hole?"

"i dont know" said spiky head "maybe whatever it is will be in that pod".

they began their decent into the crater but suddenly woman in the group who possessed a bright shade of blue hair yelled for them to stop.

"Trunks, Goten! wait for us and dont go too close to that thing. we dont know what it is yet" she yelled.

i stared at her curiously from my hiding spot as she got out a small device and scanned the rubble.

"doesnt sseem to be anything living in there although we should still be cautious. it could be a being like the androids" she stated.

i had no idea what she was talking about but i did realise that whoever these people were they were here to try and protect the earth from a threat, from me. i knew i meant no harm but they didnt and so i decided id wait for an oppertune moment to present myself and maybe get some help without surprising them or getting myself into danger.

the only one in the group who had not moved yet was the tall guy who, like the boy, possessed black spiky hair only shorter. he seemed to be like a statue and hadnt said anything since they had arrived here. i tried to look at his face to see if i could figure out what he was doing but a branch was in my way. not thinking things through i simply brushed the branch aside but as i did it made a crack and i looked up only in time to see the tall spiky haired one snap his head in my direction before completely disappearing from sight. the others had noticed and also stared up at my hiding spot but none of them vanished like the other one had. i quickly tried to sit up and get out of there but as soon as i did i felt a hand grab the back of my shirt and throw me out of the tree. no way! he got behind me without me even realising it? i flipped in the air and landed on my feet like always. an ability i was very proud of.looking up to the tree i braced myself for another attack when the guy just jumped out of the tree and stood staring at me from at least 10 meters back. the others were watching and the two kids had gotten into fighting stances readying themselves for anything. i myself had gotten on the offensive but as i realised this i lowered my arms and stood straight in a comfortable position showing that i posed no threat.

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