chapter 12

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Kira's POV.

"what is Dabura doing with Baubidi?" Shin voiced to no one in particular.

"why would he seek control of the King of Demons?" asked Goku.

"Baubidi seeks out the darkness in peoples hearts and uses it to control them for his own evil purposes" Shin replied.

Krillen chuckled then and said with a smirk "well then maybe we should keep Piccolo out of this. he hasnt always been one of the good guys ya know".

hang on! what?! Piccolo was bad? no way! somehow i just couldnt imagine that, not when he always meditated amongst nature and taught me to defend the earth...

"this is no time to be bringing that up!" Piccolo shouted into his ear.

"geez. just saying" mumbled Krillen rubbing his now deaf ear.

we all went back to watching Baubidi. he was saying something but before i could try and listen i noticed Spopoviche swelling up. wait! was Baubidi doing that? the others were watching in shock too. i stared in horror as Spopoviche reached his maximum swelling size and exploded! i whimpered and felt Piccolo try and cover my eyes so i wouldnt have to see any more of it.

"he...exploded!" exclaimed Gohan.

"he's not going to do that to us is he?" i asked weakly. i was a pretty brave person and could stand lots of things but exploding people was not one of them!

Piccolo looked at me and i could see he felt bad about me having to see that. he probably wished he had of left me back at the tournament. i however, was glad i came along just in case they needed my help. after all i knew a lot more than them about Baubidi and how he worked.

Yamu attempted an escape but before he flew very far Baubidi had PwiPwi blast him with a beam. somehow i felt that this was less grotesque than Spopoviche's death.

"stand guard outside" i heard Baubidi order Dabura before retreating to his ship with PwiPwi.

like a trained dog Dabura stood guard outside the door. he stood like that for a few minutes as we tried to devise a plan. soon though Dabura started walking towards the mountain we were hiding on.

"what is he doing?" asked Krillen.

as if in answer Dabura looked up diirectly at the spot we were hidden behind.

"he knows we're here!" shouted Vegeta.

"no shit!" i shouted back.

before we could do anything else though Dabura rushed at us and blasted Kabito right in the face. he definitely couldnt have survived that.

"NO! Kabito!" yelled Shin.

Krillen jumped back into a fighting stance. Dabura saw this and spat on him. EW! i gasped as suddenly he started turning to stone.

"Krillen" i gasped and went to grab him but Shin stopped me.

"no! dont touch him" he ordered.

i took his word for it and turned to face Dabura when he launched some spit at me! i tried to avoid it but it still got me on the front of my shirt. thinking quickly i tore my shirt off and threw it to the ground. lucky i was wearing a small training crop underneath.

Piccolo's POV.

i saw Dabura spit on Kira and i panicked. luckily she was thinking straight and tore her shirt off to reveal a small training top that barely covered her bra. i looked away feeling awkward at her lack of clothing.

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