chapter 14

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Trunks' POV.

"c'mon Goten, hurry up!" i shouted to him as he dropped behind.

we were on our way to where Vedel had said our dad's had gone to fight this wizard called Baubidi or something. we had just had our mighty mask cover blown by 18 and flown away when we ran into Vedel flying back towards the tournament. there was no way we were missing out on a chance to save the world so we decided to head towards the chaos.

i looked over my shoulder and saw Goten struggling to keep up. geez, what a baby! if he didnt hurry up we were going to miss all the action.

Kira's POV.

we had been waiting for ages! were they too chicken to send out anyone else? no. Baubidi had always been smart, he was probably planning something big. i stretched out on the ground and closed my eyes. i was so bored!

i flicked my tail in annoyance but just at that moment i heard the door opening. i didnt didnt get up but i did strain my ears in that direction. probably another low class fighter.

"Dabura!" Shin shouted in shock.

my eyes snapped open. i got up and turned to glare at the demon king. he was the reason Piccolo was now stone, Krillen too. i growled slightly letting my ferrel side take over a bit and got odd looks from the others.

"what's up?" asked Goku warily.

"please, even though its Gohan's turn, let me fight this guy" i pleaded.

"Kira he's too strong for you with that collar on and you know it! if its revenge you're looking for then dont worry il make him suffer" promised Gohan.

i hesitated for a moment before reluctantly saying "fine". i wanted to spill his blood with my own hands.

Dabura got into his fighting stance but before they could begin a voice echoed through the chamber.

"Dabura, perhaps it would be better if you didnt fight in the ship. we dont want to disturb majin Buu. where would you like to go?" asked Baubidi clearly enjoying this show.

"somewhere similar to earth. i dont want an unfair advantage" said Dabura smirking.

"oh my, you really want to give it to them dont you? ok then" said Baubidi. (i know what he sed sounded slightly sus ok?).

"thankyou master" Dabura said gratefully.

"one more thing before i go...whats a slave like you doing here Kira? did you escape from Histolp?" asked Baubidi as i struggled to remain calm.

so he did recognise me. what do i say? i havnt even told the guys what happened to my old master... oh well i guess i should probably get this over and done with sooner rather than later.

"no. i killed him" i stated as soon as i gathered my confidence.

i heard the others gasp at this new piece of information. i tried to read their expressions and was saddened to see that they all looked slightly suspicious of me, Vegeta more so than the others. i guess this is where i was supposed to apologise...

"im sorry you guys. i didnt want to keep this from you but i didnt think the best way to introduce myself at the time was to say'hey guys im a slave and i just murdered my master Histolp to gain unwarranted freedom'" i explained.

Goku was the first to recover from his shock and him and Gohan passed a look that seemed to communicate something without having to use words. i just hoped that something was good.

"we understand. i wont, and im sure Gohan wont, think of you any differently because of it" said Goku with a reassuring smile.

i breathed a smaall sig of relief and wanted to hug him i was so happy. but this wasnt the time for hugs.

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