chapter 24

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Piccolo's POV.

i landed in the large crater that had been created by Vegeta's blast. there was nothing left of him at all.

"goodbye old friend" i muttered as i looked around at all the pink, gooey piles that remained of Buu.

there were disgusting, fleshy pieces of that creature everywhere! and i mean that quite literally... this was going to take a while to clean up. i went to start destroying what was left but before i could all the pieces seemed to come to life! all the gooey stuff turned into mini Buu's who then ran together into 5 piles to create 5 slightly larger Buu's. this was unbelievable! i was so shocked i couldnt even move, i just stood there as the Buu's then started to meld together to begin forming the original Buu. this type of regeneration should have been impossible!

i suddenly gained back my sense and took off out of there before i was seen. how could Vegeta's blast not have killed him? great... his sacrifice had been in vane...

i saw Krillen up ahead, still carrying the boys and Kira, and sped off to warn him. "oh hey Piccolo! so what happened?" he asked when he saw me flying alongside him.

"we have to get out of here now! lets take these guys to the lookout" i said seriously as i reached out to help carry Kira who was closest.

"so Buu's still alive?" asked Krillen in an amazed yet scared voice.

"yeah. he regenerated" i stated.

"what about Vegeta?" Krillen asked hopefully.

"not a scrap of him left" i answered truthfully.

i could see his mood deflate at this news. he haad also felt the power Vegeta possessed before and if that didnt defeat Buu then what would? i held Kira safely around the middle and flew with Krillen to Kami's lookout.

Kira's POV.

i could hear whooshing in my ears as if wind were blowing past then quickly and i felt pressure around my middle. where was i?

"we're here" said a deep and familiar voice.

i felt us land on solid ground and opened my eyes. woah! what was this place? it was like the whole platform was floating in the sky or something! not to mention the large building in the middle was beautiful! Piccolo must have noticed i'd woken up because he suddenly rightened me and asked "are you okay?"

"yeah im fine. where are we?" i asked still looking around.

"at Kami's lookout. its safe here" he answered.

i noticed two people running towards us then. one was a namek, like Piccolo, only he seemed much younger and carefree. the other was a plump little guy who (not being racist) was the most literal shade of black and who had large red lips and big googley eyes.

"hey Piccolo! who's this?" asked the namek when he reached us.

"hi Dende. this is Kira" Piccolo replied.

"nice to meet you" i said to Dende bowing slightly.

"nice to meet you too, although i wish it were under better circumstances" replied Dende looking grim.

"circumstances...?" i trailed off as i noticed Goten and Trunks knocked out in Krillen's arms.

NO! i remember now! the fight, Buu, Vegeta, everything! Piccolo saw me beginning to freak out and took a step towards me.

"Piccolo! is Buu dead? tell me he's dead!" i comanded hopelessly.

"no. he's still alive" he answered grimly.

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