chapter 30

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Piccolo's POV.

i decided to find out the reason why Kira went off first and asked "what is it i did to upset you?"

she looked shocked by my question before her expression changed to one of guilt. she looked down for a moment as if trying to find her words.

"you havent really done anything to upset me or warrant my yelling. im sorry! i guess im just stressed and frustrated by the fact that now i have all this power, and i cant even use it without losing myself" she said apologetically.

so it was exactly as i thought.

"im glad youre not angry at me" i said without thinking.

Kira looked up at me in confusion, as if id said something she never thought she'd hear from me. i guess that was true though, even i hadnt thought id ever say that.

"why?" she dared to ask.

"i...i have a gift for you! although im not sure you'll appreciate it" i said hastily changing topic.

Kira stared at me suspiciously for a moment before shrugging and allowing me to get away with not answering her. she sighed and then fixed me with her curious cat-like gaze while smiling.

"well, what is it?" she asked.

Kira's POV.

my face changed to an expression of surprise and astonishment as Piccolo revealed in his palm the most unlikely gift ever; a collar. it was black and leather with little silver studs around the outside and a fasten at the front for a tag. it was rather beautiful. in the slave trade presentling someone with a personalised collar, with or without a power restrictor, was a symbol that the slave was to be part of that persons harem. fortunately i doubted Piccolo knew that and so the collar was actually quite a lovely gift.

"for me?" i asked gazing at it longingly.

to be honest, i was missing the familiar feeling of something around my neck. plus now i would be able to wear the tag Vegeta gave to me proudly again.

"if you want it. im not trying to offend either, i just thought you might be more comfortable with something around your neck" explained Piccolo looking unsure.

"i love it! thaankyou" i said smiling as i took the collar into my hands and inspected it closer.

"no problem" he said regaining composure.

"ummm...i could use a little help" i said motioning to the collar and my neck.

it seemed that he got what i meant and took the collar looking unsure again. why was he always so awkward? i held my hair out of the way and he placed the collar carefully around my neck, his fingers trailing my skin for a moment while he adjusted it. i sucked in breath as i felt a pleasant shiver pass through my body at te contact. what was wrong with me?

"turn around" i heard Piccolo instruct and i obeyed.

i kept my face down as to avoid eye contact. i didnt want to feel embarrassed that he might notice my bizarre reactions.

"can i have the tag Vegeta gave you?" he asked.

"what? why?" i asked, still not looking up.

"so i can attach it" he stated simply.

"oh...right" i said mentally slapping myself.

i handed over the tag hesitantly as i considered it a close personal treasure. he took it froom me before telling me to look up so that he could access the clasp better. i decided to instead look over his shoulder towards the others, some of whom were looking over at us curiously, Yamcha actually smiling at us... i tried to ignore it until Piccolo was done.

"there. its attached" he stated.

for some reason i momentarily forgot about the no eye contact thing and looked directly at him. it was weird but for some reason as soon as my eyes locked with his it was like i couldnt look away, and it appeared he couldnt either. as i stared into those onyx depths before me i suddenly felt the urge to reach out and pull myself closer to him. why am i losing control like this? what is this feeling? surely i didnt feel 'THAT' way about Piccolo...right?

he reached out a hand and it looked like he was about to stroke my cheek but unfortunately-wait! unfortunately?- our gaze was broken as Goku snapped us out of whatever trance had been in.

"hey guys i think i'll go look for Mr Popo and the boys. they have been gone a while and i feel like they might be up to something" he said apparently oblivious to the awkward situation in front of him.

"yeah...good idea" said Piccolo hastily as he pulled back his hand, giving me a quick glance before walking off abruptly.

Goku left too and so i found myself alone with my thoughts and blushing profusely. i cant be certain...but in that intimate moment that just transpired i think i wanted to...*gulp*...kiss Piccolo!

as if that wasnt bad enough at that moment Yamcha and Krillen made theiir way towards me looking smug and wearing smirks. oh no! they must have witnessed whatever that was that just happened between me and Piccolo! this wouldnt be good...

"so Kira, why is your face so red?" asked Yamcha.

"oh, i guess its just hot today" i lied.

"you cant hide it from us! we know theres something going on with you and a 'certain namek' so you may as well spill" said Krillen and i blushed more.

" tell you but truthfully, even i dont know whats going on" i admitted fidggetting a bit.

"well its already obvious you guys like each other" said Yamcha smiling knowingly.

"well of course we do! we're friends" i said skillfully avoiding admitting my feelings, whatever they were, to these two.

"you're hopeless" commented Krillen face-palming.

"how so?" i demanded suddenly feeling defensive.

"in case you didnt notice, you two looked about 2 seconds away from a steamy romantic moment before Goku distracted you" laughed Yamcha.

"and thats unbelievable for Piccolo! he usually doesnt even let people get that close to him" Krillen informed me.

"huh" was all i had to say to that.

i was way to busy trying to work out my feelings and this entire situation to give a decent answer. i was also worried about whether Piccolo would even mention what happened earlier or whether he would pretend it never happened. either way it would surely be awkward and uncomfortable...


its sooooooo cold! over here its friggin winter and im shivering so much that im sure im sending vibrations through the floor!

TIEN: yeah, actually you are -_-" its rather annoying.

ME: whatever three eyes! if u keep complaining il kick u outside where its even colder!!!

YAMCHA: haha! sucked in Tien =P hey if ur cold i could always come over there and warm you up *wink wink*

ME: *throws slipper at his face* stay away from me lecher! get in my personal space and i will throw something comparitively larger at you -~-

YAMCHA: got it...

TIEN: u got told =P

ME: dont make me start on you again *points finger menacingly* anyways im tired so imma go to nitey nite now... *yawn* see ya next chapter! ^__^

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