chapter 13

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Kira's POV.

PwiPwi suddenly rushed in with a flurry of kicks and punches, all of which Vegeta dodged easily. Vegeta didnt even move a foot off the floor, in fact it barely looked like he was moving at all! PwiPwi jumped back for a breather and i saw the pure amazement at the speed Vegeta was moving at. he charged in again and Vegeta grabbed his leg and fllung him into the wall. god, he was making this all look too easy! PwiPwi got back up and glared in Vegeta's direction clearly seeing that he was at a disadvantage.


"perhaps it is wise to move them to a more suitable place master" suggested Dabura.

"yes, we dont want them waking Buu just yet. where do you think we should send them?" asked Baubidi.

"to someplace that will give PwiPwi an advantage" said Dabura.

"oh i know just the place!" stated Baubidi happily.

Kira's POV.

i was waiting foe PwiPwi's next attack so i could enjoy watching Vegeta kick his ass some more when i noticed an abrupt change. the room was gone and had been replaced by a terrain much similar to the planet the slavers kept me on until i sold. even the gravity was much the same...

"what happened?" asked Gohan looking around.

"Baubidi used his magic to transport us to another location" answered Shin.

Vegeta looked completely unfazed by all this and still waiting for PwiPwi who wwas now laughing.

"can you feel it? this is my home planet where the gravity is 100x that of earth" (not certain bout this fact but wotevs).

as if to prove a point he grabbed a large rock and dropped it where it embedded itself deep in the ground.

"heh, this is nothing. maybe if it was 500x gravity it might affect me" boasted Vegeta.

PwiPwi looked surprised although i personally wasnt shocked by this piece of news. Trunks had told me of his father's gravity training chamber once before.

"thats impossible. your bluffing" PwiPwi accused even though i knew he wasnt so sure himself.

"i dont know. its hard to tell" taunted Vegeta.

PwiPwi charged him once again and he dodged all the attacks just aas easiy as he had in earths gravity. after a few more dodges he decided to send PwiPwi flying into a rock. Vegeta waited until he could see him watching before bouncing from one foot to the other showing off how easy it was for him to move. PwiPwi got angry at this mockery and launched himself into an attack but it seemed that Vegeta was already sick of this fight as he decided to end it right there. Vegeta blasted through PwiPwi's middle with ease and quickly killed him. as soon as he was defeated the surroundings reverted to that of the ship and the door in the floor opened to let us through.

"had fun?" i asked Vegeta.

"feh! he was a weakling" he spat back.

typical Vegeta...

i followed the others down to the next level watching Shin gawk at how easily PwiPwi had been defeated. when we landed Goku started doing some warm ups.

"woo! my turn" he shouted excitedly.

i rolled my eyes at his enthusiasm and took a seat on the floor. this also would be much too easy but it would still be cool to see Goku in action.


"who will you send out now?" asked Dabura uncertainly.

"i think Yakon will do. PwiPwi was just weak and underestimated them" replied Baubidi.

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