chapter 9

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Trunk's POV.

it was just me versus Goten now and boy was i ready for him. dad had been training me for this since about a month ago in secret and i had definitely gotten stronger. i still wondered why he was so angry when he found out i could turn super saiyan though? i thought he wanted me to be strong...oh well il make him proud by winning the junior division. he was watching me from the back of the stands where the others were, and unlike Kira who was now screaming out encouragement, he was silent.

"you ready for me Trunks?" asked Goten.

"more than ready" i answered getting into my stance.

"ok then" he said and then charged at me.

i was ready for this move so i simply blocked the first punch that came my way. it was too easy. i mean Goten was younger than me so it would figure id be better than him. soon we were both throwing and catching hits and Goten was actually getting faster. it was different from how we used to train. he had gotten stronger too. must have been his brother training him. i threw a punch to the face but he did the same at the same time and we both connected throwing each other back a few feet. about time he got a hit in, though i could say the same for myself...

"hey Goten why not try one of these?" i said creating a chi ball in my hand and getting ready to blast it at him.

i heard the crowd gaping in amazement and saw Goten tense for the attack. i had to make sure i controlled this in case it didnt hit target and went towards the crowd...or else id be in so much trouble.

"here it comes!" i said throwing the blast at Goten.

he dodged it and it sped towards the people. they were freaking out and so was a few of the others up with my dad. i shot the blast upwards at the last minute and avoided hitting anyone.

Goten smiled and said "hey i can do that too! my brother taught me this one".

he brought both hands down to his right hand side and a ball of light sparked between them.

"oh hey thats cool" i said watching him before realising "hey do you even know how to control it yet?"

but it was too late.

"ka-me-ha-me-haa!" and the blast was heading towards me.

i jumped out of the way and watched as it went out of control and took out the top of the building behind me.

"oops! it ruined the roof" said Goten scratching the back of his head awkwardly.

"it sure did" i said staring at the damage.

"how about no more energy blasts?" i asked him hoping to avoid more damage so mum wouldnt yell at us.

"okay" Goten agreed.

as soon as we were ready again we attacked getting back into the battle.

Kira's POV.

i had never seen anyone, least of all kids, fight like this! it was amazing! i watched in awe as they threw punch after punch at each other but it did seem as though Trunks had the upper hand. that was probably Vegeta's doing. knowing him he'd probably trained the boy until he was sure to win he was that competitive. and seeing as it was against Goku's son he would be more determined to prove his son was better.

Trunks now had Goten in a lock ad he seemed to be struggling.

"c'mon Goten you can do it!" i screamed out hoping he could break free.

Piccolo grunted beside me so i turned on him.

"got a problem?" i asked.

"can you just decide who your going for? before it was Trunks, now its Goten" he pointed out.

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