chapter 3

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Kira's POV.

as i greeted everyone they all turned around and looked at me again but not how they had before. now they looked at me with interest in what i had to say.

i almost choked on my words as i said "this is my first time being to earth so please take care of me and i will do what i can to be of help as well".

i had no idea why i felt like i was dying of embarrassment right now. i usually had way more confidence than this! somehow though these people were testing my self esteem like nobody else had, not even the slavers.

Bulma rescued me then by coming up and starting to introduce people.

"these guys here are Krillen" he waved, "his wife 18" who nodded at me, "their daughter Marron" she seemed to be transfixed by my ears, "Yamcha" who smiled, "Tien" he had a third eye and simply tilted his head when i curiously looked at it, "ChiChi" she was fussing over Goten who i assumed was her son as well as Gohan who shared enough resemblance that it was obvious,"and Master Roshi" she finished pointing at an old man who was staring at my tail with a peculier expression.

"watch out, he's a pervert" Bulma added in my ear just as Master Roshi reached out to hold onto my tail very close to where it grew.

i turned around quickly and wrapped my tail around myself to protect it. this got me a funny look from Krillen.

i looked at him and asked him "why are you looking at me like that?"

he jumped a little at being found out and said "what you just did with your tail is very similar to how someone i know curled their tail around them a long time ago".

Bulma giggled and said "i think i know who you mean, but lets not mention it in front of him ok?"

i guessed this must be some sort of inside joke as nobody was filling me in on what was so funny. suddenly Bulma grabbed my arm almost throwing me off balance and dragged me through the house to the backyard.

"there are others ou need to meet" she said happily.

i just followed as we rushed out te door and almost bumped into someone.

"fool! watch where you are going" said an angry voice.

i looked up to see that it was a man with a frustrated look on his face and hair that spiked straight up. he looked at me with mild curiosity.

"this is Kira. hope you dont mind but i thought we'd take her in. and Kira this is my husband Vegeta" said Bulma as Vegeta grunted as if he really didnt care.

i was still staring at him when he noticed and turned to glare at me.

"what are you staring at?" he demanded.

just then the others came through the door to see what the raised voices were about. you stood there for a moment before pointing to his hair ans stating "your hair... it defies gravity".

this seemed to make everybody snicker as if laughing was something you didnt do openly around Vegeta. as it was he started to smirk.

"and i see you can point out the obvious. well clap, clap your a genious" he said sarcastically.

i looked at his arrogant face and saw the resemblance between him and his son. they both had too much pride. i stuck my tongue out at him suddenly feeling my confidence come back to me.

Vegeta growled and started yelling "stick that tongue out at me again and il rip it out of your mouth!!!"

"calm down, she's just a child" said a deep voice from behind Vegeta.

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