chapter 28

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Kira's POV.

i watched as the others explained the Buu situation andd why they needed to stay in the safety of the lookout.

"but Goku, where are our sons?" asked ChiChi.

oh no. the moment we had been trying to avoid.

"yeah. wheres Trunks and Vegeta?" asked Bulma.

we were silent. i sure as hell was not going to be the one to break the news, especially to ChiChi.

"c'mon Goku" said Krillen pushing him forward.

"tell them" Piccolo then encouraged.

Goku stood up reluctantly and said as cautiously as possible, "well Trunks and Goten are fine, they are just resting...but..." he cut off.

i placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze of support. this had to be hard on him too.

"...but Gohan and Vegeta are...dead" he finished.

i felt the loss heavily in the air as everyone took this information in. ChiChi fainted from the shock and her father caught her. i was extremely worried about Bulma though who looked about ready to explode.

"no...Vegeta. NO! NO! VEGETA! NO!" she screamed suddenly with such anguish that it broke my heart.

i rushed forwards at the same time as Yamcha and grabbed her into a soothing hug.

"calm down Bulma" said Yamcha as she kept wailing.

i held her tighter as though letting go would let her fall apart. she was already broken as it is. i patted her back and lowered her to the ground where she collapsed into sobs in my arms. it took every ounce of self control not to break down with her, but i wouldnt let myself. i hadnt cried for many, many years and that wasnt about to change. i just held Bulma as she cried and cooed soothing words to her.

Piccolo's POV.

i watched as Kira tried to help Bulma. it was sad that she refused to show her own loss even though it had to be eating at her. although i guess i was the same, i wasnt letting myself feel the loss of losing my closest friend. but Gohan wouldnt want me to mourn at a time like this.

i looked over to where that girl he so obviously liked was. Vedel wasnt it? i watched the tears slip down her face as she felt the weight of what had happened.

"no. this cant happen. i love him" i heard her mutter.

i felt sympathy for the girl. his thing humans call 'love' truly was a cruel twist indeed. it messed up peoples heads and hurt them so much. so why did they insist on feeling such emotions? i surely wouldnt let myself fall into the same trap.

"i know what all of you must be feeling, but now is not the time for mourning" said he white cat, Korin, making his entrance.

i agreed. now was the time for planning and training, not for weakness.

Kira's POV.

Bulma had only just settled down. somehow my entire shoulder was now soaked through with tears. i stood up and walked over to Piccolo who was leaning against a pillar.

"so, that could have gone better" i remarked.

"yeah. but at least now they are ready to start moving on" Piccolo replied.

"but are you?" i asked.

he stared at me with shock foor a moment while he processed the meaning of my last question.

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