chapter 5

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hey everyone! just going to say that, even though you may have already guessed it, i am making it so that Kira will end up with Piccolo. 2 reasons for this, 1 is that he is both my fave character and fave colour (LOL) and 2 is that he is one of the only decent characters that doesnt already have a partner and will therefore not disrupt the story line too much =) 


Piccolo's POV.

after the little scene at Bulma's house i flew to te mountains in an attempt to cool my anger. i had definately lost it back there and even though she probably deserved it i still felt guilty about almost slapping her. if it was training it would be different but i had almost struck out in anger, and for what? because of something slightly embarrassing? my anger was getting as bad as Vegeta's. i found a cave and landed, deciding that rest was needed after such a day of training, despite the fact that i barely had to do a thing. Kira definately had more strength than a human and faster reflexes than most but without her power unlocked she would barely stand a chance, even against Krillen.

should i continue to train her? after how she behaved it wasdefinitelytempting to simply deny her any help at all. we did need her help in case anything ever threatened earth again and she did provide a great study subject to observe. i have no idea how much power a PlebianXPatrician possesses but its sure to be anexponentialamount. i would go back and help train her, but i will first take a few days to myself and let her rethink her behaviour, like a child. i closed my eyes and began meditating to soothe my still brewing anger.

Kira's POV.

i screamed as i shot up in bed, sweat dripping down my forehead and blankets tightly clutched between my fingers. what a nightmere!

the door was suddenly thrown open and Trunks barged in looking like he expected a fight. he looked around before lowering his guard and coming to where i still sat half in bed.

"what were you screaming for? you obviously werent being attacked" he asked with a questioning look.

"nightmere. sorry i worried you" i answered.

"i wasnt worried. i just wanted the satisfactory of catching some bad guy" he said pointing his nose in the air.

"im sure you would have done well if that were the case. when did you get back from Goten's?" i asked after feeding his ego a bit.

"couple of minutes ago. we got heaps of training done!" he said excitedly.

i giggled at his enthusiasm. it seemed i would be a rare occurance to see moments like this where his childishness shined through.

"im glad. now feel free to go to breakfast, im fine. and just a warning, your mother wants to take you clothes shopping, but you didnt hear it from me" i added winking.

Trunks groaned at the thought before leaving and giving me time to really calm down. that had surely been one of the most realistic dreams id had in ages!

DREAM:I ran as fast as i could to get away from the slavers but it didnt matter how far i got in front they always managed to somehow get ahead and try to capture me again.i ducked under yet another net designed to paralyse its prey and ran out into a valley. it was the same one i had trained in with Piccolo the day before. i suddenly remembered i could fly and so i took off towards the lake i had visited to try and lose them. but it didnt work! they could somehow fly too! they caught me and i crashed to the ground with them pinning me down. i rolled out of their grasp and into the water, going under in the process. as soon as i could i broke the surface to face the slavers but now my dead master Histolp was standing before me with an evil grin, the one he used to wear before punishing me. he grabbed my hair and forced my head back under the water obviously trying to drown me but i kicked off the bottom and caught a breath before i noticed that master Histolp had changed into... Piccolo? he then picked me up and threw me into the middle of the lake with ease as i tried to plead with him, "please dont! im sorry, im sorry" i screamed. he then collected energy and focused it into a blast which he aimed right at me! then darkness...

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