Chapter 26

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Bulma's POV.

we had just gotten the last dragonball. Gosh it was a workout getting that one! if Roshi hadnt of dropped in i think that giant reptile/dragon thing would have eaten it and then where would we be? Guess the old geezer still had his uses after all...

now we only had to get back to Capsule Corp to summon Shenron and make our wishes. i really wantedd to wish back all those people that were killed by this guy Baubidi, but more than that i really wanted to wish back those Vegeta killed too. i still couldnt believe he'd done that! even if it wasnt his fault and he was being possessed or controlled or something it was still absolutely unforgivable! i sighed as i made my way back to the ship with the others.

Kira's POV.

i sent ages answering questions for Dende and Mr Popo, who i found i got along with really well, on how life as a slave was. apparently Dende wanted to know more so he could assist me in one day putting a stop to such indecencies, even though i feared it was a lost cause...

we still hadnt heard back from anyone else and the boys were still out cold. i was beginning to worry. i mean i knew Vegeta and Gohan were gone but i at least hoped that maybe Supreme Kai or Goku would show up soon.

"man i sure do hope Goku shows up. you always know theres a chance with him on the scene" said Krillen.

"as much as i hope that too we cant keep relying on him to fight our battles for us. he's already moved on and its time we took responsibility for this world now" i said sighing.

"she's right. we need to start figuring things out for ourselves" Piccolo acknowledged.

"but i just feel so much safer when he's around, ya know?" said Krillen not paying attention to the change i had just realised had occured.

i felt it. i really did... Goku's energy!!! geez speak of the devil and the devil shall appear! i put a hand up in front of Krillen to get his attention and watched as his face changed to a look of shock.

"is that-" Krillen began.

"Goku. yes!" i exclaimed joyfully.

"wonder what happened to that whole 'do things ourselves' speal?" Piccolo asked with a smirk.

i returned the smirk before quickly putting on an innocent face and covering my heart as i said "gosh, i have no idea what you are talking about".

he shook his head at my theatrics and so i continued by pointing in the direction of Goku and exclaiming in a half swoon "but look! a hero has come to save this damsel in distress!"

i heard Piccolo chuckle as i skipped around the corner quickly followed by Krillen, Dende, Mr Popo and him. when i saw Goku i stopped. considering he had been up against Vegeta he wasnt all that beat up. beside me Krillen was tearing up in relief and joy. he's so emotional...

"GOKU!" KKrillen yelled as he ran to him.

"hey guys. did you miss me?" Goku asked as i launched myself at him and gave him a tight hug that even involved me curling my tail around his leg.

"watch out Kira, im a bit sore" Goku laughed.

"im just glad you're okay" i said as he gave me a pat between the ears.

"why wouldnt i be? whats going on?" asked Goku turning serious. a very rare occurance indeed.

"we were kind of hoping you could tell us" said Piccolo.

"nope. i only just regained conciousness" said Goku.

"why? what happened to you?" i asked curious.

Goku explained his battle with Vegeta and how they had been evenly matched. when they had sensed Buu being released Goku had begged Vegeta to call off the fight for then and go help out. apparently Vegeta had agreed but when Goku went to get out the senzu beans Vegeta threw in a cheap shot and knocked Goku out cold, sort of like he had done to me and the boys.

"huh. never thought Vegeta would throw away his honour and do something cheap like that" i said as a passing thought.

"im guessing he didnt survive the fight with Buu then" said Goku grimly.

"no. he sacrificed himselff" i said sadly.

"it would have worked but Buu can use regeneration like me but he's seems to work even if his very core is destroyed" said Piccolo explaining it.

"damn. hey by the way, wheres Gohan?" asked Goku looking around.

i felt my heart sink. no, i couldnt tell him. it was too horrible! there was silence among our group and i saw comprehension dawning on Goku's face before loss took over his features.

"im sorry Goku" i apologised although i dont know why.

"damn that Buu! no... Gohan" Goku said with fists clenched and teeth grinding in anger.

"we'll get him back dont you worry!" i said consolingly.

"no. we're not powerful enough. not even you despite your collar has been removed" he said to me.

"so you noticed that? and i can still get stronger!" i argued.

"even so you'll need help" said Goku.

"thats what you're here for right?" i asked hopefully.

"no. i dont stand a chance against Buu right now. i wouldnt even be of help"admitted Goku.

"WHAT?!" asked Piccolo and i in shock.

"you've got to be kidding me!" exclaimed Krillen.

"there has to be a way!" shouted Piccolo at a loss.

"well... theres fusion" stated Goku suddenly looking hopeful.

fusion? really? would that even work? i had met a being who came from a race called the medamaries (is that how you spell it? meh...) that used that technique at the nightmere arena. im guessing Goku must have met one too in otherworld. if this were to be taught to us we might actually stand a chance! although its unlikely id be fusing with anyone, i mean, im a girl and these guys are...well, guys! somehow i cant imagie wanting to create a cross-gender being even if it is to save planet Earth! thats just creepy!!!

well i hope you enjoyed that chapter... took ages for me to get it to actually post! anyways im currently yelling at Tien for cheating in marco polo in the pool yesterday!

TIEN: i was not cheating!

ME: you were too! you didnt close you third eye!

TIEN: hey all you said was 'close botheyes! not all three...

PICCOLO: it kind of goes without saying doesnt it?

ME: thankyou! see im right =P

TIEN: Piccolo you cant talk! you wouldnt even play the game!

PICCOLO: i dont see the point of that stupid game...

YAMCHA: or you're just embarrassed to show off that green body of yours, dont you think?

ME: ^////^ Piccolo in board shorts... *daydreams*

PICCOLO: ummm..........

YAMCHA:well considerring the writers in lala land il say bye bye for now! see you guys next time ;)

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