chapter 17

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Gohan's POV.

No! how could i let this happen? this was all my fault! i was the one who everyone was relying on to prevent this but i failed. i looked over to Kira and Shin, Kira was watching the egg thingy release steam with her teeth bared and Shin, well, he looked like he was gonna crap himself...

damnit! i had to do something or else everyone would die. my family, my friends, everyone. dad had whispered something in my ear just before he went to fight Vegeta. what was it he said? thats it! fight with my emotions! thats how id beaten cell so i dont see why it wouldnt work now. i powered up to super saiyan and got ready to blast buu's egg thingy.

"do you really think thats a good idea?" asked Kira from beside me.

"cant hurt to try" i said back.

"good point" she replied and formed a smaller ki ball to join me.

we started blasting...

Kira's POV.

my ki blasts were pathetic in comparison to Gohan's kamehameha's but i couldnt just stand there and watch. we blasted the gross containment ball until there was so much dust and smoke that we couldnt see it anymore. i held my breath as it cleared but soon found myself choking in disbelief! the thing was fine! in perfect condition... it started releasing steam again. i growled in frustration and joined Gohan as he went back to blasting the thing with everything he had. but once again it was perfectly fine.

the egg suddenly stopped steaming and it appeared to be opening. we were too late! i watched in horror as the two halves fell apart to reveal...nothing? wait! what?

"what the hell happened? its just filled with smoke" i asked staring in disbelief.

Shin suddenly burst out laughing at the look on Baubidi's face. i'll admit the shock that crossed Baubidi's features was funny but wasnt Shin overdoing it a bit?

"my life's work...gone..." Baubidi trailed off as his eyes brimmed with tears.

"dont worry master, we will just move on to plan B" said Dabura.

"dont ou get it you idiot? there is no other plan. Buu was everything we worked towards" yelled Baubidi.

"haha! this is great! to see the great wizard Baubidi reduced to tears..." Shin trailed off as a fresh wave of laughter overcame him.

"shut up! Dabura, kill that brat!" Baubidi ordered.

at that Glhan and i prepared ourselves for an attack. the supreme kai was not to die as long as we were still breathing. but Dabura did not attack, in fact he appeared to be staring at something in the sky. i looked up and gasped. the pink smoke was forming into something large and solidifying. this couldnt be good...

the creature that now floated above us was one of the most bizarre things id ever seen. it was a gross pink colour, was extremely fat, had a weird tube thing on top of its head and had majorly squinty eyes. ths couldnt be majin buu could it?

"yes! something has happened!" exclaimed Baubidi.

"what is that thing?" asked Gohan.

"a gross, pink blob" i replied bluntly.

the thing i assumed was buu landed on the ground and looked over at us. i saw Shin back away beside me. what was he frightened of? this thing looked weaker than a child, although something felt off about it. buu started doing carrtwheels and handstands while calling out in joy. this was weird.

"majin buu, is that reeally you?" called out Baubidi.

buu looked over at him for a second and Baubidi flinched.

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