chapter 20

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Hey everyone adding another update how do yall like my new cover....:))

Chloe's pov

Waking up i felt like I was pinned, I instantly popped my head up to see who it was. Rob had my legs between both of his and his arm was positioned over my stomach.I blushed at how intimate we looked.But then I took a whiff at the most wonderful aroma coming from the kitchen .My stomach instantly growled.Not eating for two days while your out sure makes a girl hungry.I slowly wriggle out of my mates body, and made sure I kept quiet as I made the way across our bedroom. I slipped on one of my mates tees , while turning to look and making sure he was still asleep.Taking a good look at Rob I could tell he hadn't gotten any sleep while I was unconscious , he has huge bags under his eyes. I sighed quietly to myself before making my way out of our room , and down to the kitchen. Walking into the kitchen I could tell Theresa had been hard at work making breakfast for the pack this morning. There were pancakes and sausage piled on plates as far as the eyes could see. Making my way over I grabbed a plate and started packing on pancakes and sausage . As soon as I sat down I started stuffing my face . Man I am so hungry . Must be my Wolfy appetite. I was about too take another bite when I heard somebody chuckling in the kitchen doorway. I turned my head and their stood my mate's father trying to cover up his laugh with a rough coughing noise.I smiled and started laughing at myself.I must be a sight . Dale strolled up to me and put his hand on my shoulder ." Good morning dear. How are you feeling?" He asked . I gave Dale a solemn look before speaking . " I am doing well." I lied. My mate's father grabbed a chair and took a seat opposite from me. " Chloe having an Alpha as your mate is hard and I know my son can be careless and irreponsible sometimes . But what made you ever think he didnt want you as a mate. " He asked in a serious tone. I looked my Alpha in the eye shocked. How did he know that had been what had been running through my mind? Savannah spoke up , " Chloe he is your Alpha they have their ways of knowing .Tell him the truth" She quietly said. I sighed . " Alpha .." I started when he raised his hand to stop me . " Dale , Chloe we are family . Just address me as Alpha in front of other pack members." He declared.I nodded my head in understanding before continueing ." Dale I know Rob loves me and I know he would or could never hurt me.Its just I have never loved someone as much as I do Rob. Growing up I know my mother and I moved from place to place . I never made any friends because people always considered me a freak even when they didn't know me.In a weird way I figured I deserved it .I always new there was a reason why my mom moved us around so much , and I just figured it was because something I did.I have just always felt like I wasn't worthy of anyone or anything special."I stated sadly stuffing another forkful of pancakes into my mouth.Dale sighed before coming over and standing next to my chair placing his hand on my shoulder in a fatherly way. " Chloe you are one of the most amazing women I know other than my own mate.I know Rob considers you the most amazing woman period since your his mate. He loves you more than life itself Chloe. So if anyone feels like they don't deserve someone it's probably Rob who feels like he doesn't deserve you." Dale explained , before walking out of the kitchen . I thought hard about what Dale said while finishing off my pancakes and I new he was right. I put my plate in the sink , and decided to go back upstairs to check on Rob. Returning to our room, I saw my mate still out cold so I decided to take me a shower . Two days of no shower can make a girl sure feel nasty.After turning on the water , I jumped in the shower and started shampooing out my hair. Washing the shampoo out of my hair ,I suddenly felt a pair of arms come aound me. From the tingling and shocking sensation I  automatically new it was my mate.But I instantly noticed something was off, Rob was growling lowly in his throat and he was shaking . I slowly turned in his arms and faced him , and his eyes were black also. "Baby what 's wrong?"I asked rubbing my hand up and down his arm trying to calm him down. Rob took deep breath s until his eyes were back too there normal sea blue and he stopped shaking. He instantly slammed me into his chest and put his head into my neck sniffing my scent. . " Angel I cant lose you." he said., bringing his face up to mine. I instantly came to understand . He was reffering to the incident with the shower two days ago. I brought my hand up to his face caressing it. "Baby you will never lose me . I love you ." I whispered bringing my lips up to his .Rob instantly responded licking my lips asking for entrance. I instantly let granted him access , his taste exploded in my mouth. The tingling sensations suddenly turned into fireworks, and instantly I felt myself wrapping my legs around Rob's sick pack waist. Rob pushed me up against the wall , and we made love the rest of the morning. 

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