Chapter 9

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Hey everybody here's another chapter sorry it took me so long I had some things come up ..But here is another chapter ....Enjoy


Chloe's Pov

" Come on Chloe hit me with all  you got" Rob said ,motioning for me to come at him. I was dripping with sweat , and my tank was soaked. It has been three days since I have found out Rob was my mate , and he was training me supposedly getting me ready for my change. I still didn't know how to feel about Rob being my mate. It still bothered me that my mom kept something this important from me this entire time , but I understood why she did it. She did it to protect me and keep me safe. Rob said all the training I was going through was necessary for me to make the change , or I could die if I didn't .When he told me that he already loved me I was in total shock. I knew that I cared for him , but love him,  I don't think I do. "Chloe I meant today." I looked at Rob and noticed I had been thinking in a trance.  He was giving me a sarcastic smirk and had his arms crossed across his chest.. " Fine ," I said sarcastically . I put myself in a fighting stance that Rob had showed me , and lunged at him. Rob caught the punch I threw at him , but missed the round house kick I brought around behind kicking his legs out from under him.Rob landed on his back with a thump , but caught himself and jumped back up before I could pin him. I went for another kick , but he caught it and brought my body to his chest in a bear hug. I instantly felt shocks and tingles all over my body , and I had guessed Rob had to because he froze instantly.I used this to my advantage , and brought my elbows back and they made contact with his chest. Rob loosened his hold enough that I was able to swing around ,and bring my knee up into his side , He fell on his knees instantly.Rob put his hands up in surrender " Alright Chloe I give this time.Golly woman who taught you to defend yourself bruce lee" I stood in front of him while he got back to his feet. He was wearing low cut jeans and  no shirt . It took all I had not to drool and dream about having my way with him. " No my dad and mom taught me when I was very young ." I was finally able to reply , " Like what you see.Cuz baby its all yours" Rob stated when he noticed me staring at his eight pack chest. I scrunched up my nose." Maybe or maybe I think you need help." I replied. Rob started laughing ,but then looked serious. " Really?" he asked. I start laughing myself. We gathered our gear , and took it back up to the house. I so need a shower." I thought to myself . When we got inside Rob took me to the kitchen and fixed me some lunch . " Hope your hungry ." he said setting a pizza in front of me.The pizza was hot , and I looked at it for a minute . " Everything ok?" he asked. " I know this sounds weird ,but do you have any cold pizza?" I asked. Rob got up and brought me a slice of the pepperoni pizza that was cold. " I can't eat my pizza like that." He stated." Really ? I love it . " I said taking big bite. I kept chewing and making moaning sounds , because it was so good. I  finally looked over at Rob and sighed. " Rob do you think I'm ready ?" I asked .Rob took my hand in his and looked me straight in the eyes. " Chloe I promise I will be there through every minute of your change , but I also know your ready as you can be on such short notice to. It is going to be very painful , but once you do turn its the most amazing feeling ever.Tommorow night will start a whole new experiance for you."He said. pulling me into his lap. I kissed Rob on the cheek and mentally started preparing myself on what was to come.

Am I Yours (Red Dawn Chronicles: book 1) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now