Chapter 32

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DOK everybody this is my last chapter hope y'all enjoyed my book there will be a epilogue...I will be starting on the second book soon... READ COMMENT AND VOTE PLEASE....LETS KEEP TRYING TO GET THIS BOOK IN THE WATTY AWARDS.

Two Months Later

Rob's  Pov

I just called Tyler and Van to my office through my mind link. It had been two months since Chloe was taken,  and things had finally settled down. I and my fighters had literally hunted down every single rogue that was involved and killed them off. It had taken a while for Chloe to finally open up and tell me what happened when she had been captured. I had been so angry at hearing the news that Chloe had to back up at least twenty feet while I shifted. Thankfully Chloe was there to talk to me soothingly to calm me down pretty quickly. Amy has also come a long way,  she has become Chloe's shadow. Everywhere Chloe goes Amy is with her unless its in my office or our bedroom. She still can't talk and still has trust issues with males , but the Doc said eventually with time she should have both back. Chloe has grown more round and beautiful with our pups,  she only has two more months before they come into the world. See werewolves only carry pups for four months until they are born. Its like a time lapse between a wolf and a normal human. The Doc is watching Chloe closely and so far things are looking really good.

As for me I have spent the last two months trying to get up the guts to ask Chloe to marry me, and today it was going to happen with the help of Tyler and Van.

Chloe's Pov

I woke up this morning to find Rob gone,  and his side of the bed was cold so he must have been gone a while. I sat up and rubbed my very round belly, I feel like I a whale,  but Rob is always kissing me telling me how beautiful I am. I got up and walked or more like waddled to the bathroom to shower and get dressed. I was ecstatic at the thought of being a mom, I wanted my pups to be able to be in a safe and loving environment and just one home. Something I didn't have, as you could tell. Walking out of the bathroom , I find Rob is sitting on the edge of the bed and man did he look mouthwatering.  He was wearing a plain black shirt that hugged every inch of his sexy chest, and dark blue wranglers that showed off his perfect round but. I wanted to jump his bones badly, until I saw the smirk he had. Instead I crossed my arms over my chest and gave him a scowl.''Where have you been??''I questioned. Rob walked over and put his hands on my shoulders.'' All in good time baby girl. Now put on this blindfold.''He said ,holding up a black piece of cloth. I raised my eyebrow .''What for?'' I asked.  Rob started looking frustrated.''Just do it Chloe please.''He exclaimed. I sighed in exasperation.''Fine.''

After putting on the blindfold, Rob picked me up bridal style.''You know I can walk sweetheart,''I stated the obvious. I heard Rob chuckle under his breath.'' Baby girl you are a klutz as it is.  So just quit fussing and let me do this''he replied, walking down the stairs. Soon Rob was out the door of the house or that's what it felt like, and he was gently setting me down. I reached up to take off the blindfold, but Rob stopped me.''Not just yet babygirl.I'm gonna shift and you can ride me to where I'm taking you.''he explained. I laughed at that. ''Ok,but all this better be worth it,''I replied. Hearing Rob shift, he came over and nuzzled me before laying down so I could feel my way to climb on his back. I clutched onto Rob's back as he took off at a dead run.  I kept my head down just because I couldn't see how fast we were going and the thought made me sick to my stomach.

Fifteen minutes later Rob had finally come to a stop, and I could hear the sound of running water.  I slipped of Rob's back,  and patiently waited while he shifted back and got dressed. He came back over and took my left hand in his.'' OK baby you can take off your blindfold know.''he smiled. I reached up and jerked my blindfold off and gasped when I opened my eyes. We were back at the waterfall where I had first shifted. It was so beautiful with all the fall colors red,gold, and orange. Not only that in the small meadow next to the waterfall there was a blanket laid out with tall white candles surrounding it and set out precariously all over the place. Tears started forming in my eyes,as I turned to Rob.'' It is so beautiful Rob.'' I exclaimed.  He smiled pulling me into a hug, before leading me over to the blanket. As we sat down Rob pulled out a picnic basket that I had not seen before know. He set out all kinds of food ranging from cold pizza to desert witch was a scrumptious cheesecake. Rob fed me witch was a custom for male werewolves , just to prove to there mates they could provide for them. Taking the last bite of cheesecake , I bit down onto something hard. I pulled it out of my mouth and gasped at what I saw. Wiping off the cream filling, there in all its sparkling glory was a beautiful diamond ring.  Rob gently pulled the ring from me,  and gently slipped it onto my third right finger.'' Chloe I love you with all my heart. The moon goddess could not have picked a better mate for me. You are my match in every way possible, and I would be proud to not only have you as a mate but also as a wife. Will you marry me Chloe?''he inquired, looking into my eyes lovingly. The tears had done broke free know, and I couldn't remember when I had ever been happier in my entire life. Rob was looking at me impatiently waiting on an answer.I started laughing.''Yes Yes. I will.'' Rob s face lit up,  before he picked me up and twirled me around in a circle. My life was finally making sense, and I finally know who I am supposed to be. Chloe Haynes , mate,  mom, and Luna.

Am I Yours (Red Dawn Chronicles: book 1) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now