Chapter 31

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cmon guys I know we can do better than this.... please help me get into the watty awards...thanks guys...just two more chapters:))

Chloe's Pov

Rob carried me to a part of the house I have never been in before, and I thought I had been everywhere no figure. We walked down two long hallways before he finally stopped in front of a wooden door.Rob gently set me down as he stood back and rested his arms across his chest, making him look like he was in the military. ''Im staying right here . No if s and or buts.''he stated. I chuckled while nodding my head. My mate was so sexy when he was being stern. I turned to open the door when it opened from the inside ,and there appeared Judy. She took one look at me and her face lit up like a christmas tree, before she gathered me in a hug. ''O Chloe Im so glad to see your ok. I was so worried about you, and is it true your having pups.''she rushed out. I nodded my head grinning. '' I missed you to Judy and Im fine and yes we are having twins.'' I smiled. Judy clapped and jumped up and down in exitement.''O my gosh I have to plan the shower.what are the sexes so I can start planning?''she asked.''A boy and a girl and dont overdo it Judy.''I begged. Judy blew me off. '' Nonsense. Now where is my mate so we can start the planning?TYLER!''she screeched,  before taking off down the hallway. My mate chuckled behind me. ''I would so not want to be him right know.''he pointed in Judys direction.I laughed . Turning again I slowly open the door to Amy's room,before making my way in. ''Amy are you in here?''I questioned, looking around the room. I heard whimpering on the far corner of the room next to the bed. I slowly make my way over until Im only standing two feet away. Amy is huddled up in a ball shaking. I kneel down so I dont seem like a threat."Amy do you remember me it's Chloe. Are you ok?''I asked softly. She whimpered again.''Look Amy I know its scary here, but these people here are nothing like Ahazial. We are a pack a family and we take care of each other.Look I know its hard for you to trust people, but I promise to always take care of you. I will never let anything bad ever happen to you again.''I explained,holding out my arms. Amy rushed over into my arms and started crying. I knew it was going to be a long road for Amy,  but I hoped with time and trust she would come to love us as her pack.

Rob's Pov

With my werewolf hearing I could make out what Chloe was saying, and it seemed like she was breaking thru to Amy. I know I seemed a little over protective, but hey I did promise to not ever leave her again. I pulled out my phone and started updating my status on facebook( I know wow I do have a facebook) when I heard footsteps coming down the hallway. I looked up to see Van approaching with a plate of food that had been untouched. He gave me a concerned look when he noticed I was standing there. ''Alpha,  is something wrong.''he asked. Something was going on, Van is usually never like this. I raised my eyebrow. ''No Van. Chloe is just trying to help Amy.''I explained. ''What wrong with Amy?''he asked,heading to the young blondes door. I grabbed his arm stopping him.''She is fine Van Chloe just wants to see if she can get her to trust her, and from the sounds of it its working.''I stated. Vans shoulders slumped with relief.''Good''. he sighed. I gave Van a serious look.''ok Whats going on Van?Whats with this girl Amy?''I questioned, my alpha tone lacing my voice. Van sighed again rubbing his forehead. ''Rob she is my mate.''He declared. Realization dawned on me, making me smile. I slapped Van on the shoulder.''Congrats man.''Van looked stricken with sorrow.''Whats wrong man? You should be happy.''I said, concerned. Van looked up at me, since I was taller by two inches. ''Rob she want come near me. I know she knows,  but she is still afraid of me.I dont know what to do.''he said, tearing up. "Thats rough man but the way I look at it there is only one thing you can do.'' I replied. ''Whats that?''he asked, hope dawning on his face. ''Give her time.  Let her trust you as a friend first then she will come to see the great guy you are."I explained. Van nodded his head in understanding.''Your right.''he said, with a new determined lookon his face.

Am I Yours (Red Dawn Chronicles: book 1) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now