Chapter 14

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Hi everyone here's another chapter ....any idea who should play dale's character....kayla

Chloe's Pov

I sighed ." Rob is it really nessacary that I go to the cookout .I have nothing to wear." Rob chuckled and walked over to where I was standing . He embraced me in a hug , and I felt myself getting aroused,  When a knock on the door brought us to our senses. My wolf did not like being interrupted with our mate , and she growled internally. Rob laughed at this and decided it would be be better to just explain. " The person at the door is Judy . She is my beta Tyler's mate. I asked her to help you get ready for tonight ." he stated. Chloe sighed ." So in other words there is no question about me going tonight ." She said .Rob smiled . " Nope no question at all." A girl around my age poked her head through the door she had dark brown hair and dark copper colored skin that gave her an almost indian look." Rob are you going to introduce us or just let your usual cocky self get in the way ." she stated. Rob laughed ." Okay Judy come on in ."He stated . Judy walked over to where we were standing , and stood in front of me and Rob , bowing her head in respect. " Judy this is Chloe , Chloe this is Judy." Rob introduced us.Judy gave me a friendly smile , and I knew instantly we were going to be great friends. " Alright Rob out, so I can fix Chloe hear up for the cookout." She said , ushering him out. "Hi . So am I missing something ?" I asked confused.Judy laughed. " When the alpha has a cookout it is the biggest event of the year . It means that either the soon to be alpha has found his mate or another big event is soon to occur." She explained. I nodded my head in understanding.I showed Judy over to my closet , and we started going through my giant pile of clothes. I brought up a older dress that was brown that my mom had bought for me , and Judy instantly shook her head no." We want to dress you up sexy that way every male and female in th pack can see what a good looking mate our soon to be alpha has ." She said . We kept shuffling through the clothes , until a big smile came to Judy's face . She pulled out a red dress that my mom had given me . It was a short cut dress that barely came down to my thighs , and it was stapless with a heart curve that showed off my cleavage and made my boobs look awesume. " Ain't that a little much ?" I asked , nervously . Judy just gave me a big smile ." Your soon to be alpha female . We have to show everyone that they can't question you .You are in charge." she exclaimed. " Now lets get to work.!" We spent the next two hours getting ready for the cookout . When we were finally done adding our final touches on our makeup, we both turned around in the long length mirror , and to say I was shocked would be an understatement. The dressed fit me perfectly , and made me look hot . Not trying to brag or anything , but it did. Judy wore a purple laced dress that came off of one shoulder , and totally made her look gorgeous. After looking each other over we walked down the stairs to find our mates before the cookout . Rob and Tyler were in the kitchen helping a lady who had to be Rob's mom . They had some of the same facial features , and you could tell instantly who was in charge of the kitchen. Judy cleared her throat , and the guys finally stopped what they were doing to notice us, both of their mouths dropped to the floor in surprise. Tyler walked over to Judy , and kissed her on the cheek while whispering something in her ear. Judy instantly giggled and they walked back up the stairs to do what mates do best. Rob was still frozen in place . I walked over to wear he was standing , and put my hands on my hips ." Well do I look that bad?" I asked , slyly. Rob snapped out of his trance , and looked my body up and down. " Baby you look gorgeous, but I don't know how I am going to control myself at this cookout.Because if any male even looks at you the wrong way Im gonna snap" he explained .I laughed and hugged him." I love you baby." I whispered in his ear. " He smiled " I love you more angel." We both turned instantly to the sound of high heels . It was the lady that looked like Rob. She held her head out for me to shake. I took it smiling. " Hello I'm Rob mother . It's so nice to meet the wonderful mate that my Rob keeps talking about." She said , hugging me. " Its so nice to meet you too Mrs. Haynes." I replied. Rob's mother pulled me away at arms length and gave me a stern look." Honey no one around here calls me Mrs. Haynes I'm known to our pack  as Theresa."She laughed, turning to Rob . " Know I'm gonna go see what is taking your dad with those burgers." I watched her walking out of the room then looked over where Rob stood having the biggest grin on his face. " I like her." I said. Rob came over and took my hand . "I'm glad . You ready to meet the pack.?"He asked . " I guess so " I replied nervously.Rob led me out of the house through the back door , and out onto the patio that stood over the back yard. My eyes got wide as I took in all of the people standing in the back yard . There had to be way more than a hundred. Rob pulled me into his side as he felt me getting nervous. We walked up to the microphone that was set up , and Rob cleared his throat." Members of the Moon Shadow pack welcome and thank you for coming . " Rob stated . All the people came and gathered around the patio listening intently. " I have a big announcement I have to make . This beautiful lady and shewolf standing next to me is Chloe Foster . She is my true soul mate and soon to be future Luna of the pack." Every one of the pack members broke out in applause , and whistling at the announcement . Rob brought his hand up and quieted everyone down. He turned the mic towards me motioning for me to speak. I gulped . " Hello everyone . I am Chloe . I know I am not worthy to be future Luna , but I promise you I will do my best and there will not be one day that I will let go buy as I will hold special because of what you will mean to me." I announced .Everyone broke out into applause even louder than before. Rob took my hand in his as we walked off the patio , and into the crowed of people. Everyone we passed congratulated us and bowed their heads in respect.Rob led me to the food ,and I was glad he did because I was starving. " Ill go fix us both a plate . " He said, when Judy and Tyler came to stand next to us. Tyler walked off with Rob leaving me with Judy . Judy introduced me to her friends in the pack. They were all very nice and I instantly took a liking to them . Tyler brought Judy back her plate of food , but I instantly noticed Rob wasn't with him . " Where's Rob at ?" I asked , curiously . Tyler turned to me and  smiled . " Not sure he went to go grab some more plates , but that was the last I saw of him.He should be back soon." He replied. I waited with Tyler and Judy a little longer until I couldn't wait any longer. I felt nervous and ansy ." Go find Rob ." Savannah(my wolf), said in my head. I took in a deep breath and caught Rob's scent ,I followed it out to the edge of the yard . I stopped instantly when I heard two voices by the tree line .I walked over and saw it was that girl from school claiming that Rob was her mate.I growled internally ,but decided to listen. " Robby baby I'm your mate not her." She exclaimed, grabbing Rob's shirt.Rob was doing his best to keep her off of him. " For the last time Jessica I am not your mate . Yes we did have a thing before , but that ended a long time ago.I have Chloe she is my mate" He growled. Jessica as she was called broke down then. " Nooooo Rob your mine and no one else can have you."she said , throwing herself on him and forcefully kissed him . I stomped over to where she was and grabbed her by the hair throwing her to the ground.She looked up at me and gasped." You witch . You messed up my hair." She screamed at me. I felt myself slipping . My eyes were turning black, and I could feel my wolf trying to break free. "Dont you ever touch my mate again . Rob is mine now and forever . Get that through your thick head." I stated .Jessica jumped up running , and came at me throwing a right punch hitting me squarely in the jaw. That was all it took , and I ran at her shifting into my wolf midstride.

Am I Yours (Red Dawn Chronicles: book 1) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now