Chapter 13

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Hey everybody hope y'all are liking it so far..would love some more comments..kayla

Rob's pov

Waking up next to my mate was the most wonderful feeling in the world.Last night had been the most wonderful night of my entire life,and  Chloe felt so right in my arms when we mated . To say I was surprised to find out she was a virgin, would be an understatement. Chloe was curled up with her back to me , and had a very peaceful look on her face while she slept. I knew when she woke up she would be hungry , so I slowly unwound our bodies so I could make my way downstairs to the kitchen.For a werewolf, providing and caring for your mate was the foremost thing on your mind any time. When I reached the kitchen, I saw my mom standing over the oven cooking break feast for the pack.She turned and sniffed the air when she heard me enter the kitchen.A look of knowing came on her face and she gasped. " O my baby has finally mated." She said, running over to hug me. I looked alot like my dad , but when it came to attitude I got that purely from my mom. " OK mom ..." I laughed , trying to get out of her death grip of a hug. My dad walked in not two seconds later. He instantly noticed the scent difference , and came over to slap me on the back." Congratulations Son." He then noticed my mom still hugging me, and laughed . " OK Teresa. Let the boy be." My father said ,pulling my mom into his arms. He then looked back at me . " So son when do you want to announce to the pack about their future Luna.?" he asked.I thought for a minute. " Would tonight be to soon?" I asked. My father shook his head." Naw we will invite all the pack over and have a big cookout ." he smiled. " Sounds good." Mrs. Haynes. added. " Rob you need to introduce us first." " I will mom . As soon as she eats break feast ." My mom smiled . "Well break feast is done go ahead and take her a plate." She said ."Ok mom." I said , giving her a kiss on the cheek. Before I turned around to leave my dad spoke up. " Son keep an eye out . We had some more rogues .They attacked the northern border." He said.I looked at my dad curiously." Why do they keep attacking ?"I asked. My dads face turned grave ."I dont know but its like they are looking for something." He explained. I nodded in understanding ." Ok will do" I replied. After fixing Chloe a plate I put it on a tray along with some orange juice , and walked it back up to my room.I walked into the room , and Chloe wasn't nowhere to be found. I started to get worried until I heard the shower running in the bathroom. I smirked ." Wonder if she would mind some company?" I thought , slyly making my way into the bathroom.

Chloe's Pov

 Opening my eyes I looked around trying to find Rob , but then noticed instantly he was no where in the room. I stretched my limbs trying to rid them of there soreness, but without much accomplishment.So I decided the best thing to do would be a warm hot shower. I walked into the bathroom , and stared at myself in the mirror.  I was shocked to say that in place of where Rob marked  me there was a small tattoo of two wolves in a heart rearing their heads back howling at the moon all outlined in silver. Rob would have the same one in the exact place. All werewolves wear a tattoo where when their mate marks them , and each single pair are all different for each set of mates.I hummed at the thought of remembering last night , it had been the most wonderful night ever . After slipping off my clothes and hopping in the shower , I leaned forward and just enjoyed the feel of the warm water slowly relaxing my sore muscles. I had wanted to stay a virgin ever since I was younger to save myself for a man I knew would truly love and adore me , and I am so happy I did just that especially know since I was a were. Soon I felt Rob come in the shower  behind me , and wrap his arms around my waist. He slowly started kissing my shoulder blade , and I moaned in response . It was like know since we mated every time Rob touch me it automatically made me feel like i was on fire in a good way.Rob slowly turned me around , and looked into my eyes ." I love you Chloe ," He whispered , right before he kissed me. Sending us back into another round of making beautiful love . " Well so much for realxing sore muscles," I thought to myself.

Random Person's Pov

I picked up the phone , and dialed the number for the bossman. He answered on the second ring with a gruff hello as always." Boss its me ." I said ." O .I hope you have good news ." he replied. " Well no sir its actually really bad news." I rushed out." WHAT Then ." he exclaimed. I held the phone away from my ear for a second before replying. " She mated the alpha's son."I replied. There was silence." WHAT. You are supposed to be bringing her to me !!!" he screamed. " We are trying sir the alpha is just ...." I didn't get to finish before the boss was screaming again. " If I dont get her before the ending of two weeks I will kill you and your friends. Am I clear?"boss Stated . I shivered . "Yes sir . Crystal." I replied , before I heard him hang up. I turned to my accomplices , and frowned. " Its time to start the plan ." I said , smiling.

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