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five years later

''Mommy mommy'' I turned and looked down at my precious daughter. I had been helping the ladies wash dishes ,before I turned to pick up my little girl. ''Yes sweetie.'' I smiled rubbing my nose with her.  ''Its my birthday'' she threw her hands up in the air.I laughed aloud.''Yes it is'' I stated. ''Where's Colton? He gonna miss the party.'' she pouted.  ''He is with your daddy how about we go find them.''I replied kissing her cheek. She jumped out of my arms and landed on her feet. ''Yea yea..''she declared,  running toward her fathers office. I followed behind her,  and chuckled when I found her on Rob's  knee chattering away. Colton was sitting on the other knee being quiet correcting MyKayla every once in a while. I walked in as Rob looked up from his computer, and gave me a ear splitting grin. Colton slipped off his dad s lap and ran over to hug me.''mommy when ta party?''he asked, looking at me with puppy dog eyes. I laughed.  ''Soon I promise.'' Rob stood up setting Mykayla on the  ground. I saw he was looking behind me .I turned and found the smiling face of my mom.''Hey mom.''I smiled giving her a hug, before we were almost tackled by my two devils yelling''Mumzy.'' She laughed.''How are my grand babies? Y'all have gotten so big''.''Mykayla started chattering away grabbing my mom's hand while Colten took the other. ''Mumzy we have to show our big pile of presents.''she declared, leading my mom out of the office toward the living room .

I laughed while nodding my head,  before I felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around me. I turned to face my wonderful mate,  and was met with a pair of lips on mine instantly. The sparks still made my knees go week,  and his wonderful scent still made me want him all the more. He pulled away to soon though , and led me over to his desk chair pulling me on his lap while he sat down.'' We have some good pups baby girl.''He smiled.  '' I know.  I couldn't have asked for better.''I agreed. ''When myKayla was in here on my knee chattering away my mind drifted back to the day they were born.''He stated. I chuckled. ''Yes that was a day I will never forget.''


Rob and I had been married for a month,  and I was loving every second we had together. Which wasn't near as much as it used to be since he was alpha. I was four months and a week long pregnant and I was huge. Doc was keeping a close eye on me, because he said it could be any day. We were sitting in the pack dining room eating when it happened my contractions started. I mind linked Rob so I wouldn't disturb the pack.

Baby, I stated

Rob was know looking to me,  since he had previously been talking to Tyler.

What's wrong Chloe?, he questioned.

Its time, I cringed feeling the effects.

Not saying a word to the pack Rob stood up picked me up , and ran to the infirmary. The doc and Rob had been working weeks on the infirmary so know it replicated any prenatal unit. Rob laid me on the bed,  and the Doc was right there already ready. The contractions started coming sooner and sooner until it was time to push. ''Okay Chloe this it.PUSH!''He exclaimed. I did. I pushed and pushed .I felt like it was taking forever. ''There s the head Chloe. Come on one more push and we will have the first.'' he stated. I looked up to Rob and saw his eyes were black.  He really did not like the doc seeing me down there,  but he nodded witch encouraged me.  I pushed again and felt a release. The Doc smiled. ''We have our boy.'' He said,  giving us a view of our son before handing him to the nurse to be checked and cleaned. He was beautiful, but my rest was soon over before I felt another contraction. The doc was back in front of me ,  and Rob was holding onto my hand for dear life. '' OK Chloe you have one more big push and that should do her.''He explained. I pushed again, before feeling my second release. I was completely exhausted. ''It our girl.''He smiled,  grinning from ear to ear. He checked her before bringing both of the babies to me,  and setting them in my arms. Rob was standing over us tears in his eyes.''Well babygirl What do you want to name them?'' he asked, smiling. I new the perfect names for my precious little angels.'' Let's call our son Colten Nathaniel Haynes and our little girl MyKayla Mackenzie Haynes.''I declared. Rob was smiling uncontrollably know.''Thats perfect baby girl.Just perfect.'' he stated.'' No there perfect. ''I said, kissing the tops of there heads.

*flashback ended*

I heard MyKayla yell.  ''Mommy hurry it time for cake.'' I laughed as did Rob, as we got up and walked into the livingroom. All the pack was there with there pups, to celebrate the twins birthday. They bowed there heads in respect as we walked in, the room was decorated in red balloons galore.The twins favorite color. Rob and I stood in the doorway with his arms wrapped around me,as  we watched as the twins blew out there candles together.I  knew for sure my life really was perfect , and couldn't get any better. Really it couldn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2014 ⏰

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