Chapter 10

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Hey everybody we are getting there. This story is really starting to get good...Vote and comment please.Kayla

Rob's Pov

It was the morning of Chloe's birthday ,and I was feeling anxious. I was sitting in my truck outside Chloe's house , waiting to take her out on our first date . I am going to surprise her for her birthday ,and I hoped she would love it.Walking up to her front door I knocked , and waited for someone to answer. Mrs. Foster answered . She looked just like Chloe except her eyes were brown unlike Chloe's emerald green eyes. Her hair was a darker brown instead of auburn like Chloe , and her hair showed some grey. She smiled when she saw me. " Hello Robert.Come in Chloe should be down any moment." Mrs Foster explained. Not a few minutes later we heard footsteps on the stairs . Chloe came into the room where we were sitting , and the way she looked made my mouth drop. She was wearing a black dress that hugged all of her curves , it had a heart neckline and came off on one shoulder.She had her hair in a side pony tail that she pulled off looking as sexy.My mate was absolutely gorgeous , and my wolf was howling he was wanting her so bad. Chloe smiled when she saw me checking her out. " Keep your eyes to yourself Rob." She laughed. I stood up from sitting on the couch , and walked over to give Chloe a peck on the lips. " Baby you look so beautiful." I said , tasting her on my lips.Mrs. Foster brought Chloe a backpack of some more clothes knowing she would need them. Chloe took the backpack from her mom hugging her in the process. "Be careful and do whatever Rob tells you to do . He knows the process and will be there for you ." Mrs. Foster whispered in Chloe's ear. But being a werewolf and having super hearing I could make out every word. " Lets go Chloe . Good day mrs. Foster . I promise to bring her home safe and a werewolf." I stated , leading Chloe out to the car.Chloe laughed ." A little anxious aren't we?" She asked . After helping Chloe in I jumped in on my side , and started the truck. " Baby you have no idea." I stated. .

Chloe's Pov

Rob had been driving for almost to hours , until he finally pulled off the highway onto an old gravel road. " Where are we going ? " I asked curiously." To my favorite place in the whole world." Rob replied .Rob finally pulled over into a little clearing and parked the truck.The field was beautiful , and there were flowers everywhere. " Wow this is beautiful." I said .Rob smiled ." I am glad you like it ,but we are not their yet," Rob explained." We still have a long way to go ,but I need to ask one thing first." He stopped and I could tell he was contemplating something. We were know standing in the middle of the field , and I walked over to him and caressed his cheek." Rob you have done so much for me . How can I not trust you?" I asked , looking at with all the care in my eyes I could muster.He smiled and leaned his head into my hand." Chloe I am going to turn into my wolf . But please understand that I would never hurt you and I never will. It may be pretty scary for you at first. Their is another backpack in the back of my truck that is mine . Can you hold onto for me ?" He asked , backing away from me. " Yeah sure." I replied grabbing his backpack out of the truck. Rob kept backing away until he was at least 100 feet away from me." OK ready ?"He asked .I took a deep breath and pulled myself together. I have to admit I was scared stiff, but I needed to see what I would be and who Rob really was. I nodded . Rob smiled. Then I noticed he started shimmering , and I heard cracking of bones that made me shiver down to my very core. When he fell to his knees I noticed that his eyes were pitch black like the time when he had kissed me. The next second standing in his place was a huge silver wolf. He was so beautiful and I had to keep myself from gasping at him. Rob's wolf turned his head to look at me , and he very slowly made his way over to me as not to scare me.I felt my body instinct trying to tell me to run , but I held myself in place. I knew Rob wouldn't hurt me , dont ask me how it was just a safe feeling that came over me every time I was around him. Rob finally made it over to me , he hunkered low so I wouldn't feel threatened and he licked my hand. I ran my hand over his fur , and it was silky as sheets. Rob closed his eyes at the feel of my touch , and let out a Wolfy hum. I smiled . He was huge , my head wouldn't even touch his very large shoulder. Rob 's wolf nodded his head towards his back. " You want me to ride you?" I asked . Rob nodded his big head and gave me this cute Wolfy grin. I grabbed both backpacks , and slowly with Rob's helped climbed up on his back. He started off by walking thru the forest , until I got used to riding him. Then he started breaking into a run if that s what you would call it. We ran on like this for about an hour until we finally came upon a beautiful waterfall overlooking a beautiful pond . The water was shimmering and gave this glow that made it look almost magical. " Rob this is absolutely gorgeous. I mean its breathtaking." I exclaimed, dismounting Rob's wolf. He grabbed the backpack he had brought in his mouth , and went behind a big oak tree. I heard the cracking of bones again, but a few minutes later Rob came out in his human form. " I knew you would love this place. " He said ." Come with me ." Rob led me around to the other side of the waterfall where there lay waiting a beautiful blanket . On the blanket their was food galore, each holding all my favorites including cold pizza. " How did you..." I tried to ask. Rob stopped me with a passionate kiss. " For me to know baby ." He said. He led me over to the blanket , and we ate and swam until the sunset. It was beautiful , until when the moon came up. The pain started off slow , but then came on full throttle .I couldn't stop screaming and thrashing about. My bones were cracking ,and popping out of place making me want to die. But through the whole ordeal Rob was there coaching murmuring sweet nothings to me. " Its gonna be ok baby." He whispered in my ear. " I'm here I'm always here." I started sobbing when I felt my spine crack . " Rob I cant do this.." I cried." Yes you can baby " He said cradling me in his arms. " Stay with me. Focus on me and me only."I stared straight into his eyes ,and saw all the love he held for me . That's when I knew. The pain stopped for a few seconds . Enough time for me to caress Rob's face , and whisper the three words I have been afraid of for so long." I love you Rob " I whispered . Shock was the look I saw on his face before blackness finally took me to unconsciousness.

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