Chapter 17

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Hey everyone ....well i finally finished school and im out for this story may not get as updated as often...but ill try..there is also gonna be a picture of Rob on the side ...please comment and vote ..I love hearing from my fans....Kayla

Judy's Pov

" Chloe slow down your gonna give me a heart attack.!" I screeched, gripping the side of my car seat . Chloe's starts laughing at me. " O don't worry Judy were here." She said , pulling into the Adverdale mall parking lot." Finally you almost made me throw up." I replied . As soon as we pulled to a stop I jumped out of the car and did a little crazy dance . " Are you ok Judy ? " Chloe asked, looking confused. I stopped dancing and busted out laughing. " Yeah I'm just celebrating our arrival to the mall." I said, giggling. Chloe walked off towards the mall shaking her head." What's wrong Chloe . I ain't embarrassing you know am I?" I said , catching up with her retreating form . Chloe laughed. " No way my mom used to embarrass me alot worse when she took me shopping." When we walked into the mall i noticed that it was all decked out for the holidays ." It's hard to believe thanksgiving will be soon ." I commented . It was quiet and I looked over at Chloe wondering if I had said something wrong. She was walking with her head down with a frown on her face." Chloe you ok?" I asked , putting a hand on her shoulder. " Yeah it 's just the only thanksgiving or Christmas I ever celebrated was with my mom.I am kinda nervous about celebrating with the pack." She replied. I sighed ." Chloe your soon to be Alpha female . You are going to love the holidays with the pack it's always a big she-bang.The pack loves you I promise .Whoever gives you any problems will have to come through me" I stated. " Know come on let's do some shopping." I dragged Chloe to my favorite clothes shop, and there I had her trying on everything.

Chloe's Pov

Judy dragged me from store to store carrying our shopping bags , which had to be at least twenty or so. " Judy lets go get something to eat at the food court I'm starving. I also need a break from carrying all these bags." I suggested, smelling burgers and fries.Judy nodded her head in agreement." Ok I'm all for it." She replied.After we bought two cheeseburgers and some fries , we sat down at one the tables close by. My arms felt like jello after carrying all those bags. Suddenly I started feeling ansy and nervous. " Chloe somethings wrong . Use your senses." My wolf said. I was still not used to my wolf senses , but I tried scenting the air and noticed instantly that it was another wolf but not from our pack. I followed the scent to the corner of the cafeteria where I saw an older man watching me and Judy intently. He was leaning against the wall , giving me a sneering grin. The clothes he wore  were almost like biker clothes, and he had two tattoes going down the sides of his face what they were I could not tell you. He had to be the wolf he was huge at least  almost seven feet tall. I instantly mind linked Judy , and acted like I had not noticed him at all.

Judy, I mind linked her.

I looked over to Judy and notice she gave me a startled look, but  she instantly caught onto that something was wrong.

Whats up?, she replied.

There's a guy watching us , and I think he knows I am onto him . ,I stated.

Judy nodded looking over to the corner of the room.What should we do?

I say we mind link the guys , and tell them whats going on?,I suggested.

Good Idea, She nodded .I opened my mind link to Rob and Tyler .I instantly heard from Rob .

Baby what's wrong?,Rob asked obviously feeling my fear. There's a guy  watching us and I think he has been following us around the mall., I replied.

What's your location?,Rob asked .

Were at the mall in the food court.I replied .

Ok stay there and don't leave the food court . Tyler and I  are on our way.Rob declared.

ok baby . Ilove you.I closed off the mind link before he could reply back . I looked over at Judy and she closed off her mind link with Tyler to. I turned to glance in the corner of the food court and saw the man had disappeared, but I refused to leave the food court knowing he could be waiting anywhere to grab Judy or I. In about ten minutes I caught Rob's scent, he came around the corner looking for me , and ran when he saw where I was sitting.He kissed me instantly , and I could tell by the way his eyes were going black that he was on edge of shifting. He took a deep breath before looking me up and down with a serious face." Baby are you ok?Is that guy still around.?" He rushed out in one breath.I gave Rob a reassuring smile . " I'm fine sweetie just got scared after what you told me and he left after I mind linked you ." Rob took a sniff of the air. "Well there was definately a rogue here his scent is strong." He said, leading me out into the paring lot. Tyler and Judy followed us out to where Tyler had his ford truck parked by my mustang.Rob turned to Tyler ." Tyler you and Judy go in your car and I'll  drive behind you in Chloe's." Tyler gave a grim nod before we all piled in the cars , and drove back to the pack house.

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