Chapter 11

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hey everyone how are y'all liking the story? But until I get more votes or comments I wont be adding another chapter. Thanks guys I really need some support. Kayla

Rob's pov

After Chloe passed out I had picked her up and carried her to the blanket and wrapped her up in it.She was still thrashing about even though she had passed out from the pain. Her body was in its final stages of changing. It had been so hard for me to watch her in the pain of changing, but when she whispered the words I had been longing to hear since I first laid eyes on her my wolf and I rejoiced.I kissed her on the cheek , and that is when I saw her finally changing into her wolf. When she finally finished shifting, I couldn't believe how beautiful her wolf really was . She had auburn brown colored fur ,and she was almost as big as my wolf was.I decided to shift into my wolf so I can talk to her thru our mind link when she wakes up. "Our mate is so beautiful." howled my wolf and I totally agreed. I walked over and lay next to my mate , waiting until she woke up .

Chloe's Pov

" Hello Chloe," A beautiful sing song voice said. I opened me eyes and  looked around and saw I was in a beautiful field ."I must be dead." I thought to myself. The voice came back stronger . " No my dear you are not dead. You are just dreaming . " I looked around the field and still I saw no one, and then suddenly there appeared before me an auburn colored wolf . She was almost the height of Rob's wolf , but was more on the feminine side. I didn't scream or run because I didn't feel any threat from her. I just simply looked her over curiously. " Don't be scared of me ." I heard in my mind. I looked around , and still couldn't find no one talking there was just the wolf in front of me.Then it suddenly clicked . It was the wolf who was talking to me." Who are you ?" I asked . The wolf lay on the ground and motioned for me to sit down beside her. As I did I looked into her eyes , and saw they looked exactly like mine. " The wolf kindly cocked her head to the side. " I am your wolf Chloe.When you shift you and I will become one in body and spirit . While your in human form I will be in your conscious at the back of your mind. When you need me you will summon me , or I will be helping give you advice."She explained." Chloe there is something coming ,and I must warn you it's going to be   perilous ." I frowned at her comment. " What is it ?" I asked . Her eyes gave me a sorrowful look. " I can't tell you , but you must be prepared. You need to train in more fighting , and finally you need to mate with Rob to complete the bond. It will be the only thing that saves everything.I must go , but remember I am you, and I will do anything to protect you .When you wake up we will be shifted , and be as one.Close your eyes and count to ten." She stated ." Wait what shall I call you?" I asked . She gave me a wolfy grin." I am Savannah your she wolf." she said, nodding at me. I did as she said, and in the next instant I was opening my eyes to see Rob in his wolf form laying beside me with his head on my shoulders asleep. Wait my shoulders had red colored fur everywhere. I slowly got up and I was on four paws , a little wobbly I walked over to the small pond and looked down. What I saw shocked me , I was the wolf in my dream Savannah. " How do you like it ?"I heard her ask me in my head . " Savannah is that you ." I asked. " Yep awesome isn't it." She stated."Sure is ." I thought back. I felt a presence behind me , and instantly by his scent I knew it was Rob.I felt my arousal slowly starting to build." What the heck?" I thought to myself. I turned and looked at him giving my crazy wolfy grin, while stretching my legs making myself get used to them. Suddenly I felt another presence in my mind , and I knew it wasn't Savannah. " How do you like finally being a wolf?" I heard Rob ask in my head, sending me almost jumping out of my fur. " I can hear you ?" I asked.  Rob walked over ,and stood in front of me giving my face a lick. " Yes Chloe anytime wolves of our pack like me can talk to you through our mind link. But if you need privacy you can block it out just by thinking of a wall going up in youe head. Or if you choose you can talk to just one or more people by connecting with just them. Being your mate when we complete the mating process I will be able to not only to hear your thoughts , but feel your emotions as well." He said . I plopped myself on the ground , with Rob instantly doing the same beside me . " Well thats just great ." I replied sarcastically. Rob jumped up and touched my shoulder with his nose. " Let me show you how to shift back , and I will take you home with me so you can get some rest." He explained." But I cant go home with you. " I said , horrified. Rob lowered his head. "Chloe please." "Alright ."  I sighed looking over to wear my clothes lay shredded on the grass where I had shifted. " But I dont have any clothes on" I mumbled embarrassed. Rob laughed which in his wolf form sounded a rumble of a low bark and howl. " Chloe remember the backpack that your mom gave you. Check it ." He suggested. I ran over and picked up the back pack with my mouth before running behind a large tree."ok what do I do ?"  asked Rob through the mind link. " Alright Imagine your human form in your head , and push all the wolf thoughts and feelings out." Rob replied. I did as he said , and the next instant I heard my bones popping and snapping . I saw a glimmering light shining around me , and as soon as it was there it all disappeared and I was back in human form.I was butt naked , and I hurriedly retrieved the clothes my mom had put in the backpack. I put on the tshirt and shorts, and then walked around the tree to find Rob had shifted back into his human form. Rob smiled and walked over to me engulfing me in a hug." You did great baby." He said kissing the top of my head."Thanks . " I said."I 'm hungry . Can we go get something to eat?" I felt like my stomach was hollow and empty , and I was starving. Rob chuckled. " Sure ." He said , his face instantly turning serious. "But I need to ask you something later?"Before I could reply Rob shifted into his wolf form ,and motioned for me to get on. I climb on , and wonder what the question was Rob wanted to ask me when we got back.

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