Chapter 8

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Chloe's Pov

A knock on the front door downstairs woke me up. I jumped up and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was in a messy bun , and I had on a very large t shirt with some shorts. I heard my mom talking  to whoever was at the front door, so I decided to check it out. I walked down the stairs and followed my moms voice into the living room. My mom was siiting on the love seat and across from her sat now other than Rob and a older gentlemen who looked an older version of Rob but his hair was grayed out.  All three of them turned to look at me at the same time when I entered the room , witch was kind of creepy. I looked directly at my mom confused. "Mom whats going on ?" My mom gave me a sympathetic look and patted the empty place on the love seat next to her. " Honey come here . We need to talk. " She stated . I cautiously walked over and took the place next to my mom. I noticed that Rob never took his loving eyes off of me. I'm not gonna lie I was happy to see him , but scared to find out the reason he was here for. The older gentlemen next to Rob stood up  smiling the entire time. " Hello Chloe ,I'm Dale Haynes , Rob's father." He explained. I shook his hand instantly taking a liking to this gentlemen. " Hi and nice to meet you." I exclaimed. After we sat back down , my mom started tearing up and took my hand in hers. " Sweetheart theres alot about our life that I haven't told you , and know I see I have no choice but too tell you." She cried, looking over at Rob." Mom what do you mean and what does this have to do with Rob? " I asked confused. My mom patted my leg and I gave her a go ahead look. " Well I might as well start." She sighed." Chloe , Rob said he alredy told you what he is." I faked a laugh. " Yeah mom aint that crazy." "No honey everything Rob said is true ." " So wait a minute he is a werewolf.?" I asked pointing at Rob .My mom nodded and kept explaining. "Yes honey and so are we." She paused waiting on my reaction. " Hold up mom what are you saying?" I asked standing up . I started pacing back and forth in front of the love seat. " Chloe I'm telling you that you and I , and Rob and Mr. Haynes here are all werewolves." I froze and looked my mother straight in the eyes. " I must be dreaming ." I stated flopping back onto the couch. My mom took my face in the palms of her hands ." No Chloe everything that we said is true." I shook my head. " Mom I'm nothing special . I cant turn into anything. " I stated. My mom started laughing. " Not yet honey . We don't get our wolves until the night of our eighteenth birthday.You will have to go through the change. It is a long and sometimes a very painful process." She said sympathy ."Wait a minute if I am a werewolf . Was my dad one to ?" I ask confused. " Yes sweetheart , We used to have a pack also."My mom started tearing up again. " What do you mean a pack ? What happened to dad?" I asked . " Your dad and I met at college and we were mates and fell in love instantly." She lovingly said." We got married and soon I became conceived with you . Your dad was ecstatic because he always wanted many kids. We had a good life , until you turned three . We were unaware and were attacked by rogues. They had a leader and were way too many for our small pack. Your dad handed me you and told me to run for our lives because they wanted you . I argued but he wouldn't have any of it . I took you and ran for our lives , but somehow they always find us. That is why we move so much. I always thought the more we moved the less likely they would find us. I can't let them have you and I wont you are all I have left." My head and my mom's popped up when we heard ferocious growling. Rob was standing up growling and heaving breaths of air. His teeth were bared and eyes were the black color I had seen in his bedroom.My mom instantly jumped up and stood in front of me , and Dale stood by Rob prepared. " Rob son calm down now." He stated using his alpha tone .Rob slowly breathed thru his nose and slowly calmed down. " Son why did you act that way." Dale asked . Rob looked from his dad and looked at Chloe. " My wolf couldnt stand the thought of someone taking our mate and he reacted." He stated. Mr. Haynes nodded in understanding. Wait there is that word again Mate? I turned to my mom. " What does he mean by mate?" I asked confused. My mom smiled in understanding. " Chloe when you are a werewolf . You have a true soulmate.The fates give him or her to you and  no one can compare, and when you meet your mate you know instantly. When you meet your mate you get tingles and shocks when they touch you , and you can sit forever in their eyes and you just know. Since you are not fully changed yet you will not fully know until your birthday in three days. " I sighed there was so much I did not know , but then I realized something. " So is Rob my mate?" I asked. Rob came around and kneeled in front of me putting his hands on my thighs. " Yes Chloe I am your mate and I already love you so much." he stated. My mouth dropped to the floor. " Rob I care for you to , but I dont think its love yet." I sighed. " Thats ok Chloe . After you turn everything you feel know will be tripled and I will wait for you forever if I have too." I looked up and noticed that mom and Mr. Haynes had both left the room.  Rob leaned up and started kissing me . I slowly reponded until we were in a full make out session.

Mrs. Foster's Pov

Telling Chloe our story was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I knew one day I would have to tell her , but I was hoping it would wait. " Mrs. Foster I am so sorry about your pack . I didn't realize."Dale stated , sitting at the kitchen table. I smiled ." Its alright Mr haynes . I have slowly learned to deal with the pain. " I replied. " Would you like some tea?" I got up and filled the tea kettle withwater , before putting it on the stove. " Thank you Mrs Foster it would be my pleasure." Dale stated.I sat down ." Call me Constance . Mrs Foster sounds so old .." Dale smiled laughing . "I will as long as you call me Dale . We are going to be in laws by the way." He exclaimed. " Alright Dale. " I replied ." So do you think Rob will mind being with Chloe when she makes the change?" Dale nodded." I don't think Rob would have it any other way."he stated. I knew Dale was right , and I only hoped that Chloe would not be in to much pain when she turned.

Am I Yours (Red Dawn Chronicles: book 1) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now