Chapter 23

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Hi everybody the story it’s getting intense. Looks like Jessica has gotten what she wanted….So what’s going to happen to Chloe? Will Rob get to her in time? Or will it be to late? Lets  see what happens . Love you guys .Don’t forget to comment and and vote. Thanks-kayla

Rob’s Pov

The fighters and I soon arrived at a meadow ,but were confused when all of a sudden Chloe’s scent stopped. There was a couple of other scents and I growled loudly when I realized it was rogues. I shifted back into my human form and started yelling for Chloe, but Tyler shifted behind me and grabbed my arm. I turned around in a flash ,and had him pinned to the ground growling and snapping at his face.” Don’t touch me.” I stated. Tyler threw up his hands in surrender and showed his neck as a sign of respect. “ Yes Alpha.” I jumped up and started pacing the meadow since my wolf was going crazy worrying about his mate. Tyler slowly stood up as to not look threatening to my wolf. “Rob I think we need to head back to the pack house and tell the Alpha that the rogues have taken Chloe.” He explained. I nodded in understanding .Tyler and I shifted back into our wolves, as we ran as fast as we could back to the pack house , and we busted into my father’s office at a dead run. After telling him everything that happened, my father rallied all of our pack together and sent out scouts to find the rogue camp so we could find my precious mate.  I just hope we can find her in time . I can not stand the thought of losing my mate again , I just can’t.

Chloe’s Pov

             I felt like I was dead , but in death you shouldn’t feel this much pain should you. I hurt everywhere from my head all the way to my toes. I tried to open my eyes ,but they felt like they were made of lead. Since my eyes were too heavy to open I started using my other senses, starting with my hands. They were bound together by chains , and I could feel myself hanging from them from a hook in the ceiling. My hands had already turned numb to any feelings so I knew I had to have been hanging for awhile . Next I noticed there was a very strong smell of bleach and alcohol, it was worse than the smell of a hospital. I slowly but surely got my eyes to work , and what I opened them to scared me so bad I almost passed out again.  I was in some sort of lab with test tubes , gloves, and an experimental table right in the center of the room.  I new this was not going to be good , so I tried to mind link  Rob . But all I felt was completely empty , I couldn’t contact Rob or get any feelings from him. This scared me to no end , and so I tried the next best thing my wolf Savannah.

Savannah , are you there?, I questioned. I could barely feel her , but she answered lowly . I’m here Chloe .She replied, I listened to her ,and I could tell she was weak and something was very wrong. What’s wrong Savannah? Why do you sound so weak? I asked, afraid to hear the answer. I could here Savannah sigh in my head. Chloe I can’t talk long I’m so weak.The people who took you are rogues. They are being led by a wizard who is going to try and extract me from you. I gasped. How do they plan on doing that ? Savannah got real quiet for a while. I thought she had finally become to weak to talk. Its ok Sav….Savannah finally spoke up. No Chloe it’s not. They are gonna do some terrible things to you ,she whimpered.  I won’t be able too help you Chloe. They have given you wolfsbane .So it cuts off your connection with Rob and weakens me. But you have to be strong and stay alive until Rob comes .You can’t give up .,she said urgently.  I suddenly got the feeling Savannah wasn’t telling me something. Savannah is there something your not telling me? She whimpered before replying ,Chloe you are pregnant . The wizard and rogues don’t know this and they can’t find out or they’ll try to take them too. I was stunned . I ‘m pregnant. I should be happy about this but the only thing I was feeling right know was despair.

Am I Yours (Red Dawn Chronicles: book 1) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now