Chapter 22

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Hey guys whats going on . Do ya ll think Jessica s sincere? Love my fans and thank you guys for sticking with me.-kayla

Rob’s Pov

Hearing a loud growl and shattering glass brought me out of the conversation with my father. Instantly I was up on my feet , and running into the living room with my father and Tyler hot on my heels. There was a window broken with glass shattered outside onto the front porch. My wolf instantly went on alert when I caught a whiff of Chloe’s scent . When I saw a lock of red fur with blood mixed into the broken glass my fears were Hey everybody can you believe it ? It s not long until I will be finishing this book .There s fixing to be a lot of action confirmed. “O no,” I said aloud. Tyler gave me a questioning look ,before coming over to look at the glass. “What is the meaning of all of this?” my father questioned. Tyler looked up from the glass with shock written all over his face. “ Chloe must have overheard us talking .”I explained , fear gripping my stomach.” I have to go after her . “ I was getting ready to shift , when my father held up his hand to stop me . “Rob take Tyler and a couple of other fighters with you. Keep your mind link open to Chloe that way you can communicate with her.”  I ran outside with Tyler behind me hot on my heels. I opened my mind link to Chloe , but found she had blocked me out. The other fighters joined up with me and Tyler as soon as we reached the woods , and then we all shifted into our wolfs. I caught Chloe’s scent and howled loudly .I didn’t know where she was heading , but I had to find her and fast before the rogues did.

Chloe’s Pov

After running through the woods for about an hour, I was finally able to calm myself down enough to stop in a meadow that was on the border of our territory. I laid down in the wildflowers and put my head in my paws .How could Rob choose her ? I started crying , but in my wolf form it sounded like utter whining . I finally was able to pull myself together enough to get up . I had finally convinced myself that it would be better to go back to the pack house and talk to Rob , but before I could even start towards that way there was a loud movement towards my left. There was nothing there so I shrugged , and was about to turn around when none other than Jessica herself was standing in front of me.  My wolf savannah started growling within me ,and put me on high alert. I crouched low with my hair standing on my back, and I let out a feral growl. Jessica gave me and evil smirk ,before she spoke up in my mind.

Know what is our future Luna doing out here all by herself, she mocked.

That is none of your concern, I spat back.

o Honey you see that is where you are wrong . You have my mate , and I am getting him back. , she stated, giving me a murderous glare.

I laughed in my head . ,And how do you plan on doing that?

Simple ,Jessica explained. I get rid of you and voila . Rob is back to being mine forever.

I growled ferociously, Rob will never be yours. He loves me and I am his mate.

Jessica laughed maliciously, Not anymore honey. I am the knew luna on the block . Say goodnight sweetheart.

Wha..,The next thing I knew I was being knocked out from behind , and the last thing I heard before I blacked out was a male voice .

“ Congratulations Jessica .Looks like you got what you wanted.”

Am I Yours (Red Dawn Chronicles: book 1) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now